Chapter 4

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"I want five rounds of suicides. Loser does another ten."

Coaches bark made me want to curl in a ball and die. This was one of those moments where I questioned my whole life's choices and what I had done wrong to lead me to this point. I was a good girl. I almost never broke the law. It's not like I killed anyone. Why God? Why?

I was not in the mood for suicides after the workout Finn and I just had. My pain must have been reflected on my face because Sam sent me a smirk as he was putting on his goalie gear. Son of a bitch didn't have to do this shit. Instead he got to play goalie with the JV team because their goalie was sick today.

For those of you that didn't pick up on it, I 100% thought those words in my head with a high pitched whiney voice.

Anyway, he sent me a look that made my situation feel even worse. It was like waving food in front of a starving man then taking it away. Chris closed his eyes for a second and exhaled with sorrow. Finn muttered something under his breath but he was too far for me to hear it.

Coach must have heard it though, because his head snapped in Finn's direction like a moth to a flame. He didn't even berate Finn, just barked out "Riley! Eight laps!"

Finn's face broke into one that looked like mine and I couldn't help but smirk a little. Sadly, in this bright summer sunlight, my facial expression didn't go unnoticed. Coach looked at me without hesitation and said "Mason! Eight laps! Both of you start running before I make it twelve."

I ran my tongue over my teeth as I pushed my sweaty body through the mass of other sweaty bodys and sticks. Finn followed me from the other side of the group with a smile on his face. He was giving me a smug look that made me want to wrap my sweaty hands around his glistening neck and squeeze.

I thought we were in the clear when we both set our sticks down on the sidelines. Finn laughed quietly in my ear letting me know exactly how much he was enjoying the fact that I got in trouble too.

His warm body jumped away from mine when Coaches voice rang out in the air again after a piercing whistle that scarred the crap out of me. Both of our heads snapped across the field to coach.

"Is that smiling I see? Twelve laps."

My teeth clenched so hard that I think I broke my jaw. I gave Finn the meanest glare I could muster but he ignored me, still wearing that cocky look on his face. I wanted to punch him so bad right now. My hands balled but I knew I couldn't. He wasn't worth getting kicked off the team, no matter how much pleasure breaking his nose would give me.

I shook my head and started to remove my padding. Finn did the same besides me. I practically moaned in relief at the feeling of getting those sweaty pads off and freeing my skin despite the fact that it was still 90 degrees out.

Sam was still near by at the bench and shot me a glance. "Are you about to have an orgasm or something? Because it sure looks like it."

"Oh shut up." I snapped playfully as he flashed me his white smile and raked his hand through his blonde hair before pulling his helmet over his head.

"You already know her orgasm face?" Finn raised an eyebrow. The smirk on his face told me that what was coming next wouldn't please me. "Didn't take long to get her on her back did it?"

Despite my annoyed face, Sam still laughed at my expense. I get it. It's funny. But it was Finn so anything that came out of his mouth I automatically hated.

"Oh please. You're just jealous it wasn't you." I retorted while watching Finn take off his elbow pads.

Finn rolled his eyes and tossed the white and black pads on the ground. "Please. If I wanted you, I would have had you the second I met you."

ContronymOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora