Chapter 38: Arceus

Start from the beginning

"Master Makarov, you're up." Mavis looked at him, and he nodded. He stepped forward, and he started to shimmer with light himself. He clapped his hands together, closing his eyes. I immediately recognized the spell.

His hands opened, and the familiar ball of light appeared. "I invoke..." He opened his eyes and they glowed with the Fairy Tail emblem surrounded by the spell's design. "FAIRY LAW." The whole area beneath us let off a few beams of light under us, and the power of Fairy Law shot upwards around all of us and in a mile's radius. Only warmth coursed through me as the spell was cast onto us. The light faded, and we all opened our eyes. Makarov lowered his hands, opening his eyes with a glare. "It is done."

"Thank you," I told him. I then looked around, and saw more familiar faces. But this time they were looking at us instead of Arceus. In fact, all of the others that were with Arceus at first were too. This made a burst of fear course through me.

"Uh...Ellie?" Wendy asked. "Are they supposed to be staring at us like this?"

I swallowed. "I don't know..." I hoped that talking would do something, at least. I moved my eyes to every Pokémon I could see, and as I thought, every known legendary Pokémon was here to see why we were letting off such power in their world. "It could be territorial behavior, because they don't recognize the magic. Hopefully I can explain."

Before I could step forward, A sudden pop made me jump. Celebi appeared from the blue energy, and flew up near the giant Pokémon. I could hear him crying as he flew left and right. "What's he doing?" Serena asked.

"He's trying to negotiate. To let them know it was a call for help." He kept flying back and forth in between the legendaries, but based on their stares I could tell they weren't listening very well. That made my heart start to beat faster. "What's going on...?" I whispered.

That's when Arceus appeared behind everyone, and I let out a scared breath. Celebi flew up to him, but Arceus just butted his head into him, sending him flying back down to the ground.

"Celebi!" I yelled, rushing over to him and picking him up in my arms. He was covered in marks and bruises from the sudden impact of the ruler of all worlds. I looked up again, and Arceus spun around and started flying off into the black sky. "What...?" Arceus disappeared with a shimmer.

"He's gone..." Lucy said next to me. "Where did he go?"

"I can take a guess where." I looked at Mavis, and more fear coursed through me.

"No..." I whimpered. "He can't!"

"He won't." Natsu stepped up next to Lucy. "We're going back and we're going to fight." I blinked, then looked at the trainers. They all nodded.

"We don't care that it's not our home," Ash stated with a glare. "If Arceus wants to destroy it, then we are going to fight for it."

"Even if it's against a Pokémon?" I countered. "Our world's main thing? The symbol of it?"

Serena shook her head. "We fight for the ones who deserve to be happy. And if Arceus wants to take that away..."

"Then he doesn't deserve to be happy either." Ash crossed his arms.

I shook my head. "No..." I replied. "If we have a chance to get him to listen to us, maybe we can at least change his mind." I turned back to Natsu. "Promise me." I glared at him. "Promise you won't hurt him unless you absolutely have to. I won't stand for it if you don't."

"Ellie..." Lucy said in surprise.

Natsu just blinked at me, unable to answer. I just kept glaring, and Celebi moved in arms. He woke up with a forced cry. "Please."

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