Crane x Akemi

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That night after the training , the Five are walking to the bunkhouses , which sits high on the hill ; led by a palace goose with a lantern

Mantis- There's no words.

Crane- No denying that.

Viper- ( worried ) I don't understand what Master Oogway was doing. The poor guys are gonna get themselves killed. Especially the panda.

Crane- ( sarcastic ) He is so mighty ! The dragon warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire !

Mantis-  When he walks , the ground shakes.

They laugh , except for Viper and Tigress.

Monkey- And I wonder how the vixen felt of having a brother like him.

Mantis- Yeah , Three-tails must've thought that the panda was a huge embarrassment to her. I don't blame her though !

Monkey- But what are three tails gonna do ? She's like a normal and short version of the legendary kitsune.

Mantis- Yeah. I don't see the point of being born with three tails , though.

Crane comes to Akemi's defense .

Crane- But she ain't like the panda. She's got some skill ! Even if she did hurt herself once !

Tigress- One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu !

Tigress walks on ahead.

Crane- Yeah , or could at least touch his toes.

Monkey- Or even see his toes.

As the others walk off laughing , Po and Akemi emerged from behind a nearby rock. Po looked saddened. Akemi became a bit insecure as she looks at her three red tails. Po attempts to see his toes by lifting his belly up . Kept leaning forward and fell with an oof !

Akemi mentally states ' It's not like I asked to have three tails. But at least Crane defended me though.'

Akemi- Come on Po.You should go to bed. I'm gonna stay out for a bit.

Po- Ok. Night sis.

Akemi- Goodnight.

Akemi walks up to a peach tree and leans on it. Akemi sighs in sadness.

Akemi- Why am I even here ?

???- If you weren't chosen with Po , you wouldn't know.

Akemi gasps and quickly stands up to see Oogway.

Akemi- Oh. It's you , Master Oogway.

Oogway- What seems to be the trouble my dear ?

Akemi- Well... It's just.... Why am I so different ? I mean I have three tails ! What's so great about that ?

Oogway- You're very skilled , daring , and boastful. Mean things peoples say about you must be avoided

Akemi- Yeah. That's true. But how am I gonna avoid mean insults though ?

Oogway- ( smiles )  Don't worry. Once you know why you're here , you'll understand. Oh and it's what's inside that counts.

Oogway then walks away. Akemi smiles a bit. Akemi walks back to the bunkhouse. She looks around to find her room . Then without looking , Akemi trips on the rock , making her yelp and fall into a room. Then she felt like she bumped into someone. It was Crane.

Their faces were close to each other's. They both blushed and looked away. Then Akemi immediately got off of him.

Akemi- Oh. Sorry. I was just looking for my room.

Crane got up and blushed.

Crane- It--it's alright. Here , I'll help you.

Crane led her to her room. They both blush

Akemi- Thanks , Crane. And sorry for falling on top of you.

Crane- It's alright. Well goodnight.

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