The Training Hall/ Level Zero

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Shifu leads Po and Akemi into the training hall. The panda brother was struck speechless as he sees the Furious Five combating various deadly stages of the course. Crane is deflecting the arrows while balancing on the half colored jade tortoise shell.Then Tigress leaps onto the shell and spars with him. Meanwhile , Mantis weaves his way through the army of wooden crocodiles. Viper evades fire spurts of the Field of Fiery Death. Monkey swings across the seven talon rings. Tigress dodges the swinging , spikes clubs on the spinning serpent logs then smashes one of the clubs with her bare hands. The same piece of it hits Pi , directly at the forehead , making him fall backwards.

Shifu- Let's begin.

Po- Wait , wait , wait ! What ?

Po just stares at the fearsome course in front of him , then turns to Shifu.

Po- Now ?

Shifu looks at him.

Shifu- Yes. Now. Unless you two think that  the Great Master Oogway was wrong--

Akemi cuts him off.

Akemi- Who said he was wrong ? We didn't even deny the fact he picked us and called him a liar ! Right , Po ?

Shifu just chuckles under his breath.

Po- Oh. Okay. Well , we don't know if we can do all those moves .

Shifu- Well , if we don't try , we'll never know , will we ?

Shifu begins walking to the side of the course with Akemi and Po following him.

Po- Uh , yeah. It's just-- Maybe we can find something more suited to our level.

Shifu-  And what level is that ?

Po- Well , ya know... I'm not a master ,but , uh , let's just start at zero. Level zero .

Akemi- Really Po ?

Po- What ?

Shifu- ( chuckles ) There is no such thing as  level zero.

Po- Hey! Maybe we can start with that !

Po points and runs at a bandit bear dummy .

Akemi- Really Po ? You gotta be kidding me !

Shifu-  That ? We used that for training children and for propping the door open when it's hot. But if you insist....

At that moment , the Five gathered and headed towards them Po and Akemi.

Po- Whoa. The Furious Five . You're so much bigger than your action figures. Except for you , Mantis. You're still the same.

Mantis' antennae twitched as he glares at Po.

Akemi- ( under her breath ) What a kung fu fanatic .

Shifu- Go ahead , panda , and vixen. Show us what you can do.

Akemi- ( annoyed )  Hey ! Vixey Vixen has a name ! And it's Akemi !

Po- Akemi , you go first.

Akemi- Hey !

Po pushes her to a dummy. Akemi's ears droop in fear. She looks at Shifu and the Five who are now staring at her with a " We're waiting " look on their faces. Except for Crane who just stares at her lovingly. She take a deep breath in and out.

Then without telling anybody , she gives the dummy a tornado kick in the neck area of the dummy as hit hits against the wall , hard leaving a big crack on the wall. Shifu stares in shock. The Five stare in shock , surprise , and amazement. They didn't know that she could kick that well.

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