Meeting Shifu

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The crowd continues to cheer for the dragon warriors as the palace pigs bring Akemi and Po to the top of the palace stairs and inside the main building. They dropped Po to the ground and pushed Akemi in and quickly left and shut the doors.

Akemi- Hey !

Po- Wait a second ! I think there's a slight mistake. Everybody seems to think that we are....

Po looks around the room , amazed.

Po- Wow !

Akemi- This looks amazing !

Po- the Sacred Hall of Warriors ! No way ! Look at this place !

Po spots a rhino suit .

Po- Master Rhino's armor. with authentic battle damage !

Then he spots an artifact. The green sword. Po runs up to it.

Po- ( gasps ) the Sword of Heroes ! Said to be so sharp , it can cut you just by looking-- Ow !

Po sucks his finger.

Akemi- Po , don't be a baby.

Po then went up to an apparently empty display.

Po- ( gasps ) The invisible trident of destiny !

Akemi walks up and raised a brow.

Akemi- I don't see anything.

Then he went up to a painting.

Po- I've only seen paintings of that painting.

While Po joyfully examines the place , Akemi leans against the pillar and playfully rolls her eyes . Then he spots an urn. Po gasps and runs to it.

Po- The legendary urn if whispering warriors. Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu army. Isn't this awesome , Akemi ?

Akemi- Uh... Yeah . Sure.

Po leans in on the urn and whispers.

Po- Hello ?

???- Have you finished sight seeing ?

Po gasps. Akemi raises an eyebrow.

Po- ( gasps ) Sorry. I should've come see you first.

???- My patience is wearing thin.

Po- Well. I mean , it's not like you're going anywhere.

Akemi- Honestly Po , that vase doesn't talk !

???- Do turn around.

Still leaning on the pillar , Akemi glances at Shifu before Po can. Then Po faces back to the urn.

Po- How's it going ? Now, how did you get five hun-- Master Shifu ! Uh oh !

Startled , he accidentally knocks over the urn , making it break. Then there was a ghostly wail before the ashes fade. Then Po fearfully faces Shifu trying to come up with an excuse.

Po- Someone broke that.

Shifu stares at them in silence. Po attempts to pick up the pieces.

Po- But I'm gonna fix it. Do you have some glue ?

He knocks over the the urn's display table and it topples on it's head. Shifu continues to stare.

Po- Ow ! Ooh. Splinter.

Then Shifu puts on a fake smile and asks them.

Shifu- So you two are the dragon warriors , hmm ?

Akemi just shrugs.

Po- Uh....I guess so ?

Then Shifu snaps angrily at Po.

Shifu- Wrong !

Po stands up , alarmed.

Shifu- You two are not the dragon warriors ! You two will never be dragon warriors until you have learned the secret to the dragon scroll.

With his staff , he points at the scroll as the siblings look up.

Akemi- Wow.

Po- Whoa. So how does it work ? You have a ladder or a trampoline ?

Shifu just chuckles coldly and stares down at his staff.

Shifu- You think it's that easy ? That I'm just gonna hand you two the secret to the limitless power ?!

Po- No , I--

Akemi- ( smirks ) Definitely.

In response , Shifu whacks her ankles , making her fall on her bottom.

Akemi- Ow ! Hey !

Then Shifu walks up to Po.

Shifu- One must first master the highest level of kung fu . And that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you two !

Akemi- Excuse me ?

Shifu whacks her on the paw. She rubs it.

Akemi- Ow ! Hey !

Po- Someone like us ?

Shifu- Yes , look at you. This fat butt .

He smacks Po's butt with his staff , making Po cry out.

Shifu- Flabby arms !

He hits Po's arms .

Po- Ouch , those are sensitive flabby parts !

Shify- And this ridiculous belly.

He jabs his belly.

Po- Hey !

Shifu- And uttered disregard for personal hygiene . And you !

He points his staff at Akemi.

Shifu- You are just a fox with three tails ! Unless you're the legendary Kitsune , you're just a fox who plays tricks !

Akemi glares at him and growls softly.

Po- Now , wait a minute , that's a little uncalled for.

He points a finger at Shifu.

Shifu- Don't come close , I can smell your breath.

But Po didn't stop.

Po- Listen , Oogway said that we were--

Suddenly , Shifu outstretched his finger and grabs Po's finger as he lifts his pinky. Po gasps in horror.

Po- The wuxi finger hold ! Not the wuxi finger hold !

Shifu slyly smiles.

Shifu- Ohh , so you know this hold ?

Po- Developed by Master Wuxi in the third dynasty. Yes.

Shifu- Oh. Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky...

Po- No no no !

Shifu- You know what the hardest part is ? It's cleaning up afterwards.

Shifu chuckles.

Po- Okay ! Okay , take it easy !

Shifu- Now listen closely , panda and vixen. Oogway may have picked you two , but when I'm done with you two , You're going to wish he didn't ! Now are we clear ?

Akemi- ( Blankly ) Got it.

Po- Yeah. We're clear ! We're so clear !

Shifu- I can't wait to get started.

To Be Continued....

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