Recovery girl confirmed early on in the fight what you were thinking. As you watched Asui and Dark Shadow work together in managing to get the cuffs on one of Ectoplasms peg legs.

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were next. That fight lasted for a bit but in the end Yaoyorozu managed to get Aizawa trapped in some weird rope stuff

Fight after fight you were gauging the teachers degree of seriousness

They told us that they'd be going all out but that's not the case. The weights are slowing them down but they are still holding back. They are leaving openings on purpose for us to exploit.

Eventually towards the end of Minetas fight with Midnight you tapped Midoriya in the shoulder and wispered to him so that you wouldn't bother the other students that had already finished and had collected in front of the projector.

"Hey it's time to go Midoriya."

"Oh yea let's go."

You two then silently left and started jogging to the arena. You found Bakugou already there. He looked back at you two with a grim face.

He's going to do nothing but mindlessly fight. Midoriya is no better with just mindlessly running. Those aren't plans they are suicide missions.

You had put a scowl of your own on because you were frustrated at the situation you were in. Midoriya noticed this

"H..hey L/N I'll talk to him ok? It'll be better if we all run together."

"Go for it." Was all you said as you turned on your backpack pre cooling yourself

First off he's not going to listen to you. Second... oh whatever.

You were done thinking as the doors opened and the three of you got into position.

"Team Bakugou, Midoriya, and L/N proceed with the practical" the robotic voice announced

Well here we go...

Midoriya started running up to Bakugou and trying to have a conversation

"Kacchan in this exam we are the hero's and the teacher is he villian. We need to take into consideration the teachers combat ability. In our case it's All Might and we can't figh.."

Midoriya was cut off as Bakugou slapped him with his gauntlet

I'd normally say something but there is no point. Once the fight starts and they see how hopeless they both are maybe they'll listen.

Midoriya was on the ground holding his nose that Bakugou hit while you just trailed behind the two silently

"Don't say another word Deku." Bakugou said ominously

-All Might PoV-

"Now then..." All Might started winding up his fist. "Let's start!"

All Might threw his punch and sent a wall of air and debris towards you.


"Wait Kacchan! You can't fight him!"

"Your power isn't needed here!"

"Watch out you idiots!!" You screamed seeing the wall of pain.

You encased yourself And your teammates in bubbles that were cracking under the wind pressure.

Holy fuck!

The bubbles held their spot though through your repairing. Around you was damage to the city with turned over cars and broken out windows.

Bubble Wrap  ( BNHA x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now