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Three years has passed, I'm still in the group I was in back in University. Jimin always comes over to my place ever since we became best friends, we had hosted a lot of parties over the past few years and now our friendship has become stronger.

Mark and Haechan are now in a relationship and so is Taehyung and Jungkook. Mark and Haechan never stopped bickering with each other, even know and god knows how they managed to end up in a relationship. Jaehyun and Taeyong are the real relationship goals along with Jackson and Mark of course. Haha yes, I know two Marks. How cool is that? No? Okay. Soon we will be off with actual jobs like grown ups and I hope it won't break our friendship. It better not.


My phone rang. I got a message. I checked my cellphone and it was from the weird chat group all of us made back then.

Foreign Swags

ChimChim: Bishes! Let's go for a mini vacation? Before we get all swamped up with getting jobs and stuff!

TY: I was just thinking about that!

Hyuck: Okay! Mark says he's ready too.

Bestie: Me too! And my Mark too.

Jae: Haha cool. Where to?

ChimChim: Anywhere.

Bestie: Wait. Yugyeom reply god dammit! I know you're reading the messages!

Me: yeah yeah. I'm coming. Just tell me the details after planning.

TY: Let's go to Thailand? I believe they have amazing beaches!

Hyuck: Ooohh yes yes yes!!

ChimChim: Okay. Thailand it is. For 4 days? I have a friend there, he can help us out with the rooms to stay and stuff.

Jae: okayy. When are we going?

MarkL: Next week?

MarkT: Okay!

Thailand? Why do I have a weird feeling about this? I hope this trip will be fun.

After a week of intense planning (by the others), the boys came over to my place for a sleepover since we decided to go to the airport together the next day. My mom had stuffed the house with snacks because she knows how hungry these guys can be since we won't be actually sleeping tonight.

"It's gonna be fun", Jimin said as he munched a handful of Doritos. Taeyong and Jaehyun were cuddling in one corner of my bed, Mark and Haechan was having this mini fight over who is more cuter and Jackson and Mark were busy repacking their bags. That's how the night went by. The next day we all rushed to the airport, got our tickets and waited for the announcer to announce about our flight. Taeyong went to get something for us all to drink while we were waiting.

"So when we reach there, what are we gonna do?", Jackson asked us.

"We have to keep our bags in the rooms first isn't it?", Jaehyun added

"My friend will be waiting for us at the airport. Don't worry. He will take us to the hotel. And if we ever need any help we can call him up. He is a sweet guy", Jimin said. By then Taeyong has arrived with the drinks and we all took one from him. Luckily the announcement came and everyone was flowing with excitement and rushed to the gate to get on the airplane. Our first vacation together.

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