Chapter 1: The Arrival

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The boy's cries were annoying, Veroca couldn't possibly have been this annoying   she used to cry. It felt like her ear drums were going to burst. Walking through the forest she couldn't believe she had set the wrong coordinate in her spacepod, now it was at the bottom of the ocean and she was stuck without a way to contact Raditz because she lost her scouter too.

"Shut up." She whined but quickly stiffened her lip, if Raditz heard her he'd send her through an entire mountain range.

"Mommy, Daddy." The boy with the tail cried, every time he spoke it grated against her eardrums, how could a saiyan child be so annoying? Still Veroca followed him around, this boy must be related to the saiyan they were searching for, Kakarot.

"Daddy!" the boy cried Veroca rubbed her head. "If Raditz finds me before I find Kakarot after I lost my ship, he'll kill me"

"Give me back my hat!" The boy screamed chasing a tiger who had a hat in his mouth "my daddy gave me that hat!" the boy ran after the animals screaming and crying but he was keeping up. Yes, this was a saiyan child for sure. Veroca watched the boy run over the edge of the cliff, his cries stopped only long enough to notice he was falling and then his voice ripped through the mountains.

"Ow." V looked over the edge and found him dangling on a branch from his tail, the boy was sleeping V swung herself over the edge and slid down the rock with ease, she landed beside the boy. He squeezed his eyes. Veroca disappeared without notice from the boy, he flipped over onto his feet and carried on. He made his way toward the river, Veroca could see what was going to happen before the boy even made it on the log. The log spun out and sent the boy into the river, he actually managed to stay up.

a"Daddy, Help!" The boy screamed. Overhead a cloud flew with a man perched on top.

"Gohan!" he yelled zooming after him Veroca followed suit wishing she had a cloud to fly on, or that one of the others had taught her to fly instead of making her run after them all the time. The boy went through a cave and out the other end going straight over the cliff, except he didn't. He disappeared as his father came down looking for him. Veroca followed the boy to the branch he teleported to above the water fall.

"How'd you get up here?" Gohan's father asked scratching his head.

"Oh, daddy, I was so scared." Gohan cried as if he hadn't been the one to save himself. Gohan hid in his father's clothes as the man patted his head.

"Daddy, I lost my hat." Gohan sniffled.

"No you didn't silly it's on your head." The man laughed but then stopped short, "hey, who's there?" the man looked directly at Veroca, she tried to hide but he had already seen her.

"Hey, come out." He frowned at the intruder.

"No use hiding, mind as well go with some pride." Veroca whispered to herself as she stepped out.

"Oh, hey, you're just a little girl." The man stepped down in front of her "hey there, my name is Goku." Goku offered his hand to her. She looked at it strangely, was he trying to trick her?

"I'm...V..." Veroca never finished because he took her hand and shook it "it's good to meet you, V, where are your parents?" he asked concerned "are you lost?"

"Um... sort of..." Veroca didn't know what to do, if he tried to hurt her she would fight him but he was just being nice, he was smiling and concerned for her. She knew what Raditz would say, he'd call Goku weak, laugh at him but Veroca wasn't so sure, he didn't look too weak, for an earthling anyway.

"Well, V, do you need some help?" Goku just smiled, Gohan looked at Veroca with wide innocent eyes.

"I... I don't have any parents." Veroca frowned.

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