I continue to look at the empty space beside me.

Then, imaginary Mina came back.

"Chaeyoung-ah, you have to eat... It's not good for you not to eat..." The imaginary Mina said and I smiled looking at her.

"It's weird that I can't hug you or kiss you even though you're here... I regret not cherishing you, Mina-ya... Come back to me, Mina-ya..." I said and the imaginary Mina is gone again.

Then I cried again and cried myself to sleep again.

The next morning,

I woke up and look to my side again.

I know that Mina is not beside me but I'm always hoping that I will see her once I open my eyes.

"Chaeyoung-ah, wake up... You need to go to school..." Mina's voice echoed in my mind.

"Mina? Where are you, Mina?" I asked and heard no sound.

'It's just my imaginary...' I thought and got up.

I then went to the bathroom and freshen up.

After freshening up, I change to my uniform and grabbed my bag.

I just went down to wear my shoes and went out.

I don't feel like eating.

I slowly walked to uni and when I reach, I saw Sana running to me.

"Babe! Why do you look so pale?" Sana suddenly stop in front of me.

"I don't get enough sleep." I said and walked to class.

Once I enter class, I saw a guy flirting with Mina while she's smiling shyly.

'I used to be the one that make her smile like this.' I thought and sighed.

But when I look closely, I can see the guy's face.

It's Bambam?!

I wanted to go up and punch him but I suddenly remembered that I've broke up with Mina.

I lowered my head and walked pass them.

I sat down on my seat and put my bag on the table.

Then I laid my head on my bag and start sleeping.

I was about to drift to sleep when I suddenly heard Mina's laughter.

I slightly smiled because of her beautiful laughter which it's like a music to my ears.

I turned my head towards her direction and took a glance of her.

She's laughing happily with the other guys and I can't do anything about it.

'I used to be the one that make her laugh like this.' I thought and sighed.

Then Mina look over and we made an eye contact but she broke it after 3 seconds.

I buried my face on my bag as I tried to refrain myself from crying.

'I can't just let her become someone else's one. I must fight for her.' I thought and blow air out of my mouth.

Then the professor enter the class and I took out the things that needed for that lesson.

*time skip to after lesson*

I was walking down the hallway, going to my locker.

Then I saw Mina talking to that Jimin guy.

I turned away and quickly walk pass them.

"Who would you choose?" [Sachaeng/Michaeng] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now