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September 4

I woke up, instantly met with sand all around me. "Why am I in the desert?"

Two people rolled down the sand dune, stopping a couple feet away from me. I ran over to them, a fire ball in each of my hands. It wouldn't take even a minute for me to get answers. Unless the people I found just so happened to be some Green Arrow wannabe girl and Kid Flash.

"Amber? What are you doing here? Wait, am I here to stop you?"

"I was hoping you'd have some answers. Waking up in the middle of the desert and walking around only to find you makes me believe you're the one that brought me here, maybe to take me out"

"You know I'd always love to take you out, babe"

I scoff, and so does the blonde girl. "Are you always like this?" She asks him.

"Trust me, he is, and I'm his enemy"

Two jets flew over head, shooting at us. The girl pulled out a bow, aiming at the jets.

"Don't worry, I'm almost there!" A female voice said in my head.

The girl faltered in her shot, missing the two jets. Instead I put my hands up, throwing fire at each of their engines. Both jets crashed into the sand.

"Did you just hear a girl talking in your head?" She asks.

"Girls are always on my mind," Kid Flash answers. "But they're not usually talking"

"He isn't going to be much help, but I heard it too," I tell her. "I'm Amber"

"Artemis," she says.

A green skinned girl landed in front of us, she had an outfit that resembled the one that Martian Manhunter wore. She seemed nice, like a good guy, someone I would most likely not like.

"Well, J'onn, the costume looks familiar," Kid Flash says. "But I'm not sure the new bod screams 'manhunter'"

"You know my uncle J'onn?" She asks. "Hello Megan, of course you do. You're Kid Flash. Wally. And you're Artemis. And you're Amber"

"Wait, wait, wait. Martian Manhunter's your uncle? Is that how you know my name?" Kid Flash asks.

"Your name is really Wally?" Artemis asks her.

"Ohh," Kid Flash sighs.

"It's ok. We're teammates. Friends. I made you cookies"

"You know her?" Artemis asks, sounding almost jealous.

"I swear, beautiful, never seen her before in my life. At least-"

The girl sighs. "You lost your memories too"

In the distance there were tanks moving quickly along the sand towards a big cloud of smoke, where I made the two jets crash.

"Come on, I'll fill you in as we go. Robin and Superboy need our help"

"Of course. Robin and super what now?" Kid Flash says.

"What about my sister?" I ask.

"Maybe we'll find her when we find Robin"

We started wandering around, following Megan. Eventually we started to hear some fighting, guns going off, which could only mean a couple things. And what it did mean was Robin and Snow were fighting together to take down the bad guys. I found some more in the distance, taking them out before they could meet up with the others.

"Where's my sister?" I hear Snow demand.

"She was with us, but she ran off somewhere," Kid Flash tells me.

"I'm here," I say, going up on top of a sand dune. "There were more guards in the distance but they're gone now"

"Amber, why are we here?" Snow whispers, joining me on the dune.

"I don't know, our best bet is sticking with them, no matter how much I hate that," I whisper back.

Megan, Martian Manhunter's niece, the green skinned girl, started explaining how we all knew each other and we were friends.

"So we're a team?" Robin asks.

"The six of us and Superboy," Megan tells us.

"Since when were we on the good side?" Snow asks, looking at Robin. "Last I remember I was fighting against him"

"Yeah, we're definitely missing something," Robin says, pulling out a piece of fabric. "This must be Superboy's"

"Yes! Did you see him?"

"I think we did," Artemis says.

"Feral boy?" Kid Flash asks. "Some teammate. He attacked us"

"He didn't know who we are, I don't know who we are"

"I remember Batman ordering radio silence," Robin says. "Our team must work for him"

I scoff. "I do not work for Batman, I would never"

"How do you know we don't work for my mentor?" Kid Flash asks, accidentally pressing a button on his chest, making his black outfit turn back to its normal yellow. "Whoa. This is so cool!"

He kept pressing it, amazed by the simple change of colour. I grab his hand when his outfit was black.

"Stop it, your brightly coloured outfit is going to give away our location"

"We look ridiculous," Artemis says, then scoffs. "We need our memories back"

When I blink me and the others, minus Megan, are in some weird room with glass shards with videos floating around us.

"I've brought you into my mind to share what I've remember so far. But I need your help. Together, our broken memories can form a whole," she appeared in front of us. "If you open your mind's to mine"

"You want to paw through our private thoughts?" Artemis asks.

"I have no wish to intrude, but-"

"We need to hack our minds to grok what happened to us. Got it. Go," Robin says.

"My brain's all yours. Try not to let its brilliance overwhelm you," Kid Flash says.

"Or underwhelm you," Robin says. "Hey, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?"

"Because it isn't a word," Snow says. "But I'm fine with it"

"Last six months, only what you need," Artemis says.

They all look at Me, waiting for me to respond. I sigh. "Do you really need to do this?"

"C'mon sis, don't you want to remember? Maybe for once we've done good"

Kid Flash grabs my hand, but I pulled my hand away. "Fine"

Once we opened our eyes, with all our memories returned, everyone said the same thing, all except me.


"Where is he? What happened next?" Robin questions.

"I don't know! That's the last thing I-we remember," Megan tells us.

"That must've been when we lost our memories," Snow says. "Something happened and we all got separated"

Kid Flash grabs my hand, but I don't wrench mine away this time. I grabbed onto his hand, wanting the support. My head was full of different emotions, making me feel like I was going insane.

"You okay?" Kid whispers to me.

I shake my head. No.

Burning Amber (Kid Flash/Wally x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora