Your dad pays for your food and drink and you head into the section your movie will be playing in.

Finding a seat at the back around the middle (which in your opinion is the best place to be) you sit, just in time for the movie to begin. Dad grabs your hand and squeezes slightly. Whispering in your ear you hear him say something along the lines of "thank you for coming with me today, I've missed this"
Still keeping your eyes glued to the screen you whisper back "Yeah, thanks for inviting me. I've missed you"

Once the movie starts everyone grows quiet and immersed in the story. Even you don't make a sound unless you're dying of laughter like the rest of the crowd. 
Before you know it the end credits roll. Has it really been that long already? What felt like a few minutes turned into almost two hours.

"So did you like the movie?" Dad asks looking over to you. As you exit the theatre rooms doors.

"Yeah it was a good movie"

Laughing and still joking you head outside, the suns just now starting to go down, casting red and pinky hues over everything in its wake.

You walk down the sidewalk a ways with your dad's arm around you, you look to him and smile just to notice him tense up. Hard. His jaw clenches and unclenches and his grip on your shoulder tightens up considerably.

"Dad whats..." Trailing off you follow his gaze. 7 boys are walking toward you. All wearing dark clothing. The one that stands out to you though. Is the kid in the front. Even wearing a hood like the others, there's no mistaking that walk. But his hair is a different color. It's dusty blonde and looks amazing on him. His lips quirk up in a sly smile. Barely able to see his eyes, but knowing damn well he's staring directly at you And whatever the stare, its intense.

Gulping you look at your dad. Still standing rigid beside you his lips pressed into a thin line. Staring the boys down. It's then that you notice an 8th person walking behind the boys. A taller man, who looks strikingly familiar. But you can't place from where you know him from.

Your dad turns to you, a sort of burning intensity to his gaze, You wish you knew why it was there. It's just Jimin and his boys so what has your dad so riled up?

"Hana baby, turn around and walk the other way" a crazed almost animalistic tone to his voice. His eyes are staring daggers right at Jimin. Unless, it's not Jimin that he's looking at, but the man walking behind them.

"Dad why? What's going on?" You ask concerned. Your heart falters as you look at your dad back to Jimin and then to your dad once more. What the actual fuck is going on.

"Just. Turn. Around. And walk to the car. Now."

Frightened by the tone of his voice you pivot on your heel and begin to walk the opposite way, only to duck in between two buildings just inside of earshot. Staring at the men intensely you await what is about to happen, there's something wrong though. Jimin's not with them anymore. He completely vanished. You look around but see no sign of him anywhere.

"Where in the hell" you mutter to no one but yourself.

"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be swearing"

Slowly turning you see Jimin, still hooded in his sweatshirt and dark jeans staring down at you. But he doesn't smile. His lips are parted slightly and he's panting. He leans in close, making you step back until your back is firmly pressed into the wall behind you. The brick scrapes slightly against the soft skin of your arms.  He places his hands on the wall at either side of your head causing your heart to flutter and your stomach to do somersaults. Something about the way he looks today has you unsettled.  This isn't the Jimin you know. This Jimin seems cruel. Dark shadows pass over his eyes but you can't stop yourself from wondering what his lips taste like right now. The poisonous edge to his voice does things to your insides as much as you wish it didn't. This whole 'bad boy' get up, works for him.

His Little Play Thing  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang