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"Daddy? Where are you going?", Jungkook asks. The man takes his luggage and before he goes outside, he turns to Jungkook.

"I'll be back Kookiemoster", the man answers and leaves, closing the door.

~ 2 years later

"Mom, it's my 10th birthday. Why isn't dad back yet?"

The woman looks up to Jungkook while baking a cake.

"He won't be back... Not until we have enough money."

Jungkook frowns, he doesn't understand why they have to have money for his dad to come. He wants to know what she meant by it, but shrugges it off.

His mother coughs, once, twice... again... doesn't stop.

"M-mommy? What's wrong? My cake will get dirty.", he asks as he gets a glass from a cupboard near him to pour water and gives it to his mother.

"Don't worry sweetie, it won't get dirty.", she chukles.

"Mom, you've been coughing a lot lately. I think you are sick. Do you have a fever?", he asks curiously as he checks his mother's forehead to see if he was right, but didn't find anything wrong.

"You don't have to worry about me, my throat just hurts a bit. That's all."

"Maybe you should see a doctor. They help, right?", he suggests.

"I want to, but I can't. We don't have enough money, sweetie. But anyways, I'll stay strong. Fighting!", she laughs as she throws her fist in the air like a superhero.

Jungkook giggles as she did.

"Mommy, just like you always look out for me, I will look out for you. I will make you happy and healthy, you don't have to fight alone. We can do it together, it'll be easier."

His mother smiles as a tear comes down her face.

"W-why are you crying mommy? Did I say something wrong?", he starts to panick.

"No, sweetie. It's just...
I love you so much, I know you will make me happy, you always do. I will bever leave you like your father did, I promise.", she hugs him tight as if it's the last time they see eachother.

"I know, I love you, too, mom.", he hugs her back.

*beep beep beep*

'Ugh, it's monday. I totally forgot about school. I will have to go through hell again.', Jungkook thought as he slams his clock to stop beeping. He stands up tiredly and walks to his closet. He picks up a black hoodie, a pair of black skinny jeans and black timberlands.

After he showers he puts them on and walks downstairs to prepare breakfast.

When he's done, he goes upstairs with a tray of breakfast, but doesn't go to his room. He walks to the next room and slowly opens the door, so he doesn't let the breakfast fall. He sees his mother in a king sized bed and walks over. Carefully placing the tray on the night stand, trying not to wake her up as he does. He looks at his mother and kisses her forehead carefully.

"Good morning, I love you."

He walks over to the door and glances back. 'She has lost too much weight. It's not healthy. I wish we could just go to the hospital, I can't take care of her for the rest of my life. I barely have the money to live and I already have two jobs... I just hope she gets better soon.'

He walks out with a sad expression. He picks up his backpack and leaves the house.


He finally arrives at his school and straightly goes to his locker to take his notebook. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder and truns around quickly.

"Wh- what are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack!", Jungkook says as he clutches his chest tightly.

"I'm sorry, didn't want to scare you. What do you have the first period?", a boy asks. He has a great personality. Jungkook doesn't know what to do if he ever gets to lose him. He is his hope in life, the only thing that keeps him sane after all that has happened.

"Uhm... math. By the way Hoseok. Have you thought about going to the trip? I mean I can't go even if I wanted to.", Jungkook asks as they both walk to the classroom. Turns out that they both have the same class.

"I know, and to answer your question, honestly I don't know. I mean what would I do there if you aren't even there with me?", Hoseok answers as they were about to sit.

Suddenly four boys storm in the class.
One of them catches Jungkook's eye, Taehyung, he was his crush after all. He is tall, but not taller than Jungkook. He has brown hair that fell over his eyes and also has a boxy smile that always made Jungkook blush. Compared to his friends, Taehyung is kind, funny and helpfull. His friends on the other hand like to bully Jungkook. Jungkook doesn't understand why they were friends in the first place.

Another one of the four boys spots Jungkook and starts walking toward him. He is very short, but he's still scary. Blonde, curly hair. Jungkook wonders why he bullies him in the first place. His name is Jimin.

He has a boyfriend, about his height, his name's Yoongi, but everyone calls him Suga. Don't ask why. He seems scary, but it's just his expression. He loves sleeping so he gets annoyed and tired easily. Even though he's Jimin's boyfriend, he doesn't really bully Jungkook, but doesn't stop him either. To him, Jungkook doesn't even exist. Well, I like that better than being bullied.

The last boy of the group was a tall boy named Namjoon or Rap Monster. Rapmon for short. He is like a second bully, but is not as bad as Jimin. He's only friends with them for the fame. He wants to be a famous rapper. When Jimin isn't around, he doesn't bully me. And when he bullies me, it's nothing more than words. Jimin, on the other hand, uses words and actions.

"Why are you staring at Tae? I said give me your homework before I land my fist on your cheek!"


*To be continued*

So guys! Hope you enjoyed it! It's currnetly 1.13 AM so I guess I'm a little tired.

Please give me some advice to get better and I'll try my best to please you!

I don't know when the next chapter will be updated, but I guess it won't be more than a week. Stay tuned!!

Don't forget to vote😊 it will really make me happy. Thanks!!


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