Louis looked over at Harry who had tears in his eyes and his bottom lip was quivering. He couldn’t let that happen to Liam. He’s not sure how this will work out, but he couldn’t do anything like this. It would break Harry’s heart and the guilt would eat away at him. “We’ll take him,” he said.

Harry wiped away his tears and detached himself from Liam to come to Louis, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he looked at Louis in disbelief. “Really, master? We’re keeping him?” his voice was hopeful but still unsure. Louis nodded his head and Harry dropped to his knees, hugging Louis’ legs tightly. “Thank you so much, sir. Thank you, thank you.” He was crying again and Louis squatted down and brushed the tears from Harry’s eyes.

“Of course, love,” he said. “I would have a hard time doing that even if Liam wasn’t your friend. We’ll make this work, alright?” Harry nodded happily and let his master kiss his lips softly.

Louis turned to Liam as he stood up. The boy put his head down in respect as Louis approached him. “You’re coming with us,” he said as he let his fingers graze the hair on the back of the boy’s neck.

“Thank you, sir,” Liam said as he dropped to his knees just like Harry did moments before and nuzzled his cheek against Louis’ leg. It felt weird, knowing it wasn’t Harry, but he supposed he would have to get used to it, even though he felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach at the idea of being with someone other than Harry.

Louis signed the many forms that the Malik’s attorney had for him to give legal rights of Liam over to him and making sure that the rest of Zayn’s things were donated and given to charity. He looked down to see Harry and Liam whispering together and he could tell that the love and friendship and Harry felt for Liam was returned equally by Liam. Once he was done, both of his slaves were on their knees but Harry had moved closer to Liam and was holding his hand. Louis smiled and told the boys to follow him.

When they got home, they all went straight to Louis’ bedroom. The older boy really didn’t want to have to go over the entire hearing and who this practically naked boy  was. Louis watched as Liam looked around the room, taking everything in. Harry still had a big smile stretching across his face as he held onto Liam’s hand and showed him around, making sure to point out his things he has required over the past couple of months, especially the collar hanging from his neck. Liam stayed quiet the whole time and let his friend speak enough for the both of them. As soon as Harry had nothing left to show, he walked Liam pack towards Louis and dropped to his knees and the other boy followed behind him.

Louis stroked Harry’s cheek and smiled down at him. He loved this boy so much and was glad he could make him happy. He felt guilty that he was jealous of Liam who sat nervously on his knees next to Harry. He just hoped he wouldn’t let that show in front of them. It wasn’t Liam’s fault that he was brought into a situation where his new master was already wrapped up completely in another.  “Alright boys,” he said. “I don’t see a reason to try and beat around the bush. Since we are all here, we might as well get acquainted with each other.” He turned to Harry before saying, “Kitten, remove my clothes please and Liam,” he turned his attention to the other boy. “Go wait on the bed.” They said ‘yes, sir’ in unison and Harry began to undo the buttons of Louis’ shirt. When some of his skin was revealed, the younger boy placed a kiss to it but before he could continue, Louis stopped him. “Not now, love,” he said. “We must wait for Liam, okay?”

Harry’s heart drop as he nodded his head. He wasn’t used to being denied touching his master. In all the things they have experienced with each other, never has Louis actually denied him. Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, but he ignored his overactive brain and continued to undress his master. The younger of the three boys looked over to see Liam sitting on the bed, looking nervous and he made sure to give him an encouraging smile. They could do this.

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