Chapter 1

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It was safe to say that Louis Tomlinson loved his birthday probably more than any of the other children his age. His birthday wasn’t ever just a one day affair, it was a week long event. His parents would give him extravagant gifts that made all of the other children, even the more well-off one’s, completely envious. Even though the Tomlinson’s wealth was no secret to anyone, they did raise all of their children to have respect for others who were less fortunate and to not let it completely go to his head. In fact, he even let one of their house slave’s children, a blond boy named Niall, play with some of his toys until he had to go do his chores.

Today was definitely no different. While his presents were no longer toys, his birthday was still an important event in the household. Every morning when Niall, who can become sort of his own personal slave as well as a friend, brought him his breakfast, it always consisted of his favorite foods that he usually only got to eat during special events. He knew that this birthday was much more important than the last seventeen. He was now an adult and he knew his parents were going to bring him to get his own slave. Niall was great and Louis had spent most of his life with the boy, but Niall didn’t hold the status of what having a bed slave would have.

 A shiver ran through Louis’s body at the thought of having his own bed slave to satisfy his needs instead of his own hand or from some random bloke at his school. His brain couldn’t wander far because a knock came from his door. “Come in,” he called as he fixed the collar of his button-down shirt. He wanted to look sharp as he picked out his first slave; like he deserved such a high-status symbol.

 “Good morning, sir,” Niall said with a bright smile on his face. “I’m here to pick up your tray from breakfast and to see if you were almost ready to depart for the agency. I think Mistress Tomlinson is rather excited to buy you your first slave, sir.”

 Louis laughed as he slipped on his suit jacket. “Tell mother I’ll be down in just a few minutes and Niall,” he said, arching his eyebrow and smirking at the other boy. “How many times do I have to tell you? Please, call me Louis. I’m not your master, my father is.”

 Niall, with the soiled tray in his hand, smiled and bowed his head at  Louis. “At least once more,” he said with a light chuckle. “As always.”

 The Irish boy left Louis alone in his room as he gave himself one last look in the mirror. Once he was positive that he looked just right, he left his room to head downstairs to find his mother waiting for him in the main hall.

 “Good morning, sweetheart,” she said, kissing both of her son’s cheeks. “Happy birthday. Are you all ready to go? The driver is already waiting for us out front.”

 Louis nodded his head and grabbed his winter coat from Niall who had conveniently appeared just as he always does. He thanked the slave and opened the door for his mother.

 The ride to the slave agency was filled with light chatter between him and his mother but Louis could hardly concentrate on the conversation. Even though he was of age and didn’t lack sexual experience, Louis was still scared about taking on his first slave. The only real interaction with a slave he’s had was Niall and he could hardly count that since he’s known the boy all of his life. This new, currently faceless slave would completely be his responsibility. Sure, the slave was there to serve him, but it would be Louis’ responsibility to make sure that his slave would be a good reflection on him and the rest of his family.

 They pulled up in front of a building that he could only assume was the slave agency. Their driver opened the door and Louis quickly climbed out of the car hoping that his nerves would calm soon.

 The interior of the building was rather nice compared to it’s rather ordinary outside. Their was a grand fountain right in the front and a split staircase the led up to a second level.

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