Chapter 13

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Just like Louis expected, Harry could hardly move when they woke up. The younger boy tried to brush it off like it was nothing and tried to do his morning routine, but Louis stopped him as soon as he conscious enough to know he was doing. He knew Harry was just trying to make him not feel guilty which made Louis feel even more guilty. His boy already had a rough few days and he didn’t want add to that stress, even though Harry continuously reminded him that he was the one who asked for it and even enjoyed it. Louis still couldn’t shake that feeling of guilt, however.

They spent the whole morning wrapped in each other’s arms which brought them back to when they spent their first week or so together. Louis really missed waking up next to his beautiful slave and not have to worry about running off to school or any other schedule to keep to. It was just them in their own little world. School was definitely not an option today. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen with Zayn and he didn’t want to be surrounded by a group of his peers when he found out. He also definitely didn’t want to leave Harry alone, even though he knew his fear was a bit over-the-top.

Harry was tucked at his side, his face flush against his master’s neck, his soft breaths hitting against his warm skin. He really couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else in the world at this moment. He knew they were both awake, but he was more than happy to just sit there in a comfortable silence. Harry, however, seemed to have other thoughts. “Sir?” he said quietly, almost as if he was scared to ask whatever it was on his mind

“What is it, kitten?” Louis answered. He brought his hand up so he could stroke Harry’s hair which he knew always calmed his boy down.

Harry hesitated and shifted slightly against his master’s body. He wasn’t sure exactly how to ask his question. “Um,” he started, nibbling on his lower lip slightly. “What’s exactly is going to happen now? I mean, you said we filed some kind of suit? What does that mean exactly? What will happen to….him?”

Louis shifted on the bed so he was facing Harry more directly. He wanted to see his boy’s face when he talked to him. “Well,” he started, taking a moment to make sure his words were going to be well thought out before speaking. “Doing what he did is a huge deal. Bed slaves have so many laws around them and are so highly appreciated that anyone who does anything bad towards them, it’s taken very seriously so we’re already in favor here. Most people get life in prison for touching another man’s slave but with the Malik’s influence in the community, who knows.” Louis felt Harry tense up beside him so he acted quickly. “That doesn’t mean he won’t get his time for this. He will, I just have a hard time believing that he’s going to get the maximum sentence which is complete rubbish but it’s how it is. Don’t worry, though, kitten. He’ll get his just deserved.”

Harry stayed silent at his master’s side. While it was nice to be assured that things were going to turn out okay, he couldn’t help but fear for the worse. What if the courts failed them and Harry was taken away? “If you say so, sir,” he said, leaning into his master and sighing softly.

Zayn woke up on the morning of his birthday with a big smile on his face. He was finally eighteen, the birthday he had been looking forward to for as long as he could remember. He was now considered an adult, he could now legally get openly drunk, and most importantly, he was going to receive his first bed slave and he was more than enthused. Once he heard about Tomlinson’s amazing bed slave, he knew he had to get one even better than Louis’ so he convinced his parents to let him pick one out after the New Years party. After people saw his slave, everyone will forget all about Louis Tomlinson and his slave.

A memory of the day before popped into his head but he quickly pushed it out. He wasn’t going to let something so insignificant ruin his special day. He know he scared that slave well enough where there was no way he’d go blabbing if he knew what was good for him. His family’s power and influence was enough to scare anyone who knew better.

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