Chapter 9

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The next morning was just as successful as the first. Harry woke his master up with a blowjob, they showered together while exchanging lazy kisses and washing each other’s bodies, ate breakfast and then Louis was off to school. It was just as hard to leave Harry the second day as it was the first. He swallowed whatever negative feelings he felt because he knew it was unhealthy to wallow in your own misery all day, especially over missing someone who will be there when he got home.

 He was also lucky that he somehow managed to ignore Zayn the entire day. He still unsettled by what happened on New Years and he was going to continue to avoid him as much as possible. The driver pulled up to his school first and Louis made sure to kiss each of his sister’s on the cheek before stepping out.

“Good morning, Lou,” he heard almost as soon as he stepped out of the car. He looked up to see his friend, Eleanor smiling from ear to ear. Louis and Eleanor had been friends for a couple of years now, much to people’s surprise. Unlike almost everyone who attended Louis’ school, Eleanor was here on full scholarship since she was raised by a single mother who could hardly be able to afford this kind of school without it. People were shocked that Louis had become friends with the girl since everyone thought that a family like the Tomlinson’s wouldn’t associate with the middle class. Louis thought that was rubbish and that Eleanor was a nice girl and a good friend and that’s all that mattered to him.

 “Good morning, Eleanor,”  Louis said, allowing Eleanor to link their arms together. “My, my, aren’t we touchy today.” Louis chuckled and raised his eyebrow at the girl. The only time Eleanor was this touchy with him was when she wanted something, usually gossip. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lou,” she said in an overly innocent voice. “I just missed you is all. Hardly saw you yesterday. It was like you were hiding or something.”

 Louis shrugged as they walked into the building together. He knew Eleanor was trying to get at something but he wasn’t sure what it was yet. “No idea what you’re talking about, love. I think those two weeks have made your head go soft.”

 That comment made Eleanor playfully smack Louis in the arm, making the boy chuckle. “Oh, hush,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, Louis Tomlinson. I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say it has something to do with a Mister Zayn Malik and your mysterious new slave that you haven’t talked about.”

 There it was. Louis pinched the bridge of his nose as they approached his locker. “I wasn’t hiding,” he said as he started to get the books he would need for the first part of his day. “Maybe…avoiding is a better word. Zayn was being…well, like Zayn at his family’s New Years party and tried to mess with my slave. Obviously that rubbed me the wrong way and I really would just like to keep as far away from Zayn Malik as I can.”

 “Speaking of your new slave,” Eleanor continued, thankfully dropping the Zayn Malik topic because truth be told, Louis definitely didn’t want to talk about it further. “Besides from a few eyewitness testimonies I’ve heard, I have yet to see what this supposedly incredibly beautiful slave you got. I’m hurt, Lou. I thought we were friends.”

 Louis couldn’t help but laugh and roll his eyes at his friends. He knew he wasn’t going to keep Harry to himself forever, especially not with a best friend as persistent as Eleanor Calder. He fished his phone out from his pocket and started to look through his pictures, making sure to scroll past the ones that were definitely meant for his eyes only.

 “Oh, he is quite the looker!” Eleanor said as soon as Louis handed over his phone. “You have exquisite taste, Mr. Tomlinson. Nice work.”

 Louis pocketed his phone again and chuckled softly. “Thanks, El,” he said. “Trust me, I know I have great taste. Makes me wonder why I chose you as a best friend.”

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