Before he could reach his next class, however, someone called out his name and he turned. It was Eleanor and she ran towards him, looking out of breath. “I’ve been looking for you,” she said, her breathing a bit labored. “People know. I don’t know how, but I heard Lucy Sparkman and Emma Thompson in class talking about it. I swear I didn’t tell anyone, Louis.”

Louis sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you wouldn’t do that, Eleanor,” he said, shaking his head. “Thanks for telling me, though. Now at least I know I’m not going crazy and people actuallyare looking at me.”

Eleanor gave Louis a sad look before pulling him into a hug. “Just ignore them, babe,: she said. “You’re wonderful and it’s none of their business. I told Slutman and Humpson to bugger off and it was none of their business. I’m not afraid to fight someone.”

Louis laughed and hugged Eleanor back. “Don’t go off and get yourself expelled,” he said. “Although I’d like to see you fight someone. I’ll be fine. It’s Friday so I’m sure this will mostly be blown over by Monday. I’ll see you at lunch.”

For the most part, it was easy to ignore the stares. It was annoying more than anything, but once people actually started approaching him, that was a different story. People obviously wanted to know if it was true or not, and when he gave no indication with his outward appearance, some had to try and find out.

First it was one person who sat behind him in class, then he had groups of two or three following him around and eventually, Louis snapped. “Fuck off!” he growled at them. “It’s none of your bloody business what happened so give up already.” People stayed away from him after that. The stares and whispers were still there, but he could manage. Thank god it’s Friday he thought to himself.

The end of the school day didn’t come soon enough. He was talk of the whole bloody school and for once, hehated it. He hated knowing that everyone knew what happened with his poor Harry. It wasn’t any of their business. He hugged Eleanor goodbye, promising her that he’d fill her in throughout the weekend, before climbing into his car with a heavy sigh. He couldn’t wait to see his beautiful boy after a day like this.

Thankfully, the ride home went by much quicker than the school day. He didn’t even wait for the driver to open his door like usual and hopped out as soon as the car came to a stop. He took the stairs two steps at a time to his room and when he opened his door, Harry was kneeling in position at the foot of his bed, like nothing had changed.

Even though Louis was still hesitant to do anything with the boy because of the damage he had done a couple nights previous, he loved that Harry had still stuck to his schedule. “Hello, kitten,” he said, kneeling down to Harry’s level and stealing a kiss from him. “As lovely as it is to see you like this, the lawyer will be here any minute and I’d like to savor your sweet mouth so for now, climb into bed and give me a cuddle, yeah? Been a shit day.” 

Harry nodded his head and stood up and let Louis lead him to the bed and pull him close. “What happened, sir?” Harry asked, nuzzling his face into Louis’ shirt, relaxing into his familiar embrace.

Louis sighed and his hold on Harry tightened. “Somehow, everyone at school found out about what happened. Louis could feel Harry stiffen in his arms so he quickly kissed away the wore lines that appeared on his forehead. “Don’t worry kitten, I put everyone in their place. It was more annoying than anything. It should die off in the next few days or so. I’m just so glad it’s the weekend and I can spend the next few days alone with you.”

The younger boy smiled, but didn’t say anything. He had spent most of the day worrying about his master and the events that were to come. Even with his master’s constant reassurances that everything would be okay, that he would stay here and that he would protect him, Harry couldn’t shake the feeling that something could still go wrong. Niall had told him all day how silly he was being. That didn’t stop him from worrying. While he knew the Tomlinson’s were much more influential, the Malik’s still had a lot of power and if they chose to fight it….Harry didn’t even want to think about it. Not when his master’s arms were wrapped securely around him.

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