He ate his birthday breakfast quickly, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon because fuck you he could still like chocolate chip pancakes at eighteen, made sure his hair was styled to absolute perfection, and was out the door to be adored by his peers another day.

When he arrived at the school, he was instantly greeted by his friends, or people who considered themselves his friends, wishing him a happy birthday. Zayn’s chest puffed out a bit at all of the attention, not that he didn’t get attention on a regular basis, but this was special praise. He made sure to keep his cool demeanor and chatted with them, thanking them all and accepting any of the gifts they passed on to him until the warning bell rang out and he walked off to his first class.

As always, he slid into his seat right as the bell was ringing, much to his teacher’s annoyance. He smirked at her before she began writing on the board to begin the lesson. Zayn sat back in his seat, his legs stretched out in front of him and started zoning out. He never paid attention in this class, it was hard to when the teacher had such a boring voice. He’d get his notes from that Perrie girl that was always all over him, even though it was obvious he was into cock.

He picked up his pencil and began to doodle on the margins of his notebook. He was just finished drawing a very accurate drawing of a dick, veins and all, when the door to the classroom opened to reveal the headmaster. He knew he hadn’t broken any rules in the past couple of days so he was in the clear. At least, so he thought until he heard his name come from the man’s mouth. Zayn rolled his eyes and gathered his things to face whatever it was they were going to be blaming on him this time.

When he arrived to the office, he noticed his parents sitting there, both with a stony expression, as well as two well-built police officers. Zayn turned to run but the headmaster caught him by the shoulders and practically shoved him into the room.

“Mr. Malik,” one of the police officers addressed him. “Today we were contacted by the Tomlinson family’s attorney and they are filing a law suit against you for assault against a bed slave. Seeing as you are now eighteen and this is a federal offense, you are being put under arrest. You have the right——“

Zayn’s eyes went wide and he tried to escape again, but this time was grabbed by the other police officers, who slapped a pair of handcuffs onto his wrists. “Mum,” he said, turning to his parents. “Dad….I swear…”

Zayn’s father cut him off. “Don’t even,” he said. “You’ve gotten yourself into trouble before and I’ve helped you out every time, now I don’t even know how I could do that. You couldn’t wait a day, Zayn! You knew you were getting your own bed slave the next day but you had to use that Tomlinson boy’s slave. You don’t even understand what you’ve done!” He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

Zayn turned to his mother then, he had to avert her eyes not to cave into her son’s pleading look. “I thought we raised you better than that,” she said.

The officer continued to read his rights, but Zayn wasn’t listening.. His whole world started to blur and he couldn’t concentrate on anything. How could they have found out? Bed slaves’ worst fear is to disobey a master, especially one of Zayn’s status. It’s been ingrained in them for so long that it’s literally as much of an instinct as breathing. Somehow, that fucking prick Tomlinson got it out of his slave which was something that he definitely didn’t see coming.

Louis and Harry finally got up when Niall brought them their breakfast around nine-thirty. Harry stayed tucked into his master’s side as they ate, the blond boy chatting with them, poking fun at the way Harry had a hard time sitting directly on his bum. Louis scolded him but Niall just continued to laugh and Louis couldn’t even find it in himself to be upset at him. It was really nice to see Harry smiling after everything that had happened.

 After they finished their food, his phone buzzed from it’s place on the nightstand. Louis checked the screen to see it was from Eleanor. He smiled until he read the actual text. ‘Zayn fucking Malik got arrested! Some people saw him getting taken away by the police! You chose the wrong day to miss school, Louis’.  A few seconds later, there was another text asking, ‘Speaking of which? Why didn’t you tell me you were skipping today, you arse xo’

Louis chuckled at that one. He responded quickly with a  ‘I promise I’ll fill you in on everything tomorrow. Don’t miss me too much xxxx’. When he looked up, both Harry and Niall were looking right at him, obviously curious as to what the texts were about. “Zayn apparently got arrested while he was at school,” he said. “This is going to be even harder to try and hide now that the whole bloody school knows.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Harry shuffled closer to Louis and placed his hand on his arm. He knew from what his master had told him what would happen. He knew he would have to talk to people he didn’t know and tell them what happened and the scared him. He didn’t like talking to strangers. The only people he ever talks to is his master and Niall. That’s it. Not only are these people going to be strangers, but high power strangers. Lawyers and police officers. He knew these people could help him by putting away him, but what happens if they didn’t? What if they didn’t believe him or somehow his family got him free? What would happen to Harry? Would he be taken away from his master? He didn’t even want to think about that.

Louis could sense that Harry was worried so he pulled the boy closer to him and kissed the top of his head. “Hey,” he said, his voice light. “What did I tell you? We’re going to get through this. That asshole is going to get his time for this and we’ll go on with our lives. Please stop thinking whatever it is that you’re thinking because I’m going to be here for you.”

The younger boy couldn’t help but smile at his master. Even though his fear was far from gone, he just felt safe around his master. He felt confident that no matter what, his master would be there to protect him. “Okay,” he said.

Louis kissed him them, a good proper kiss that had Harry’s heart flutter wildly in his chest. He completely forgot that they weren’t alone until they heard a small cough and a shuffle on the bed.

Harry blushed wildly and he hid his face into his master’s neck, making the other boy chuckle affectionately. Niall gathered the dishes that were left from their breakfast and mumbled something that sounded like, “I think I have some chores to do,” before leaving the room.

“Now,” Louis said with a smirk. “Where were we?”

He kissed Harry again, his head against the younger boy’s cheek. The kiss was slow  but filled with heat and desire. Both boys knew that this was more than just a kiss. This was a promise. A promise that things would be okay, that Louis would protect Harry to the end of the world, and Harry accepted that promise. Harrydefinitely accepted.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal his mother with a soft, sad smile on her face. It was obvious that she felt bad for both boys for having to deal with this. “Hello, boys,” she said. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything but the police are here. They need an official statement from Harry. They have the Malik boy in custody now.”

Louis sighed and nodded his head. “We’ll be down soon,” he promised and his mother turned to leave. He turned and looked at the younger boy who was obviously nervous. “Let’s go get this over with, yeah? And when we’re done, I can run you a bath.”

Harry smiled at his master’s kindness and placed a kiss on the other boy’s lips before sitting up. “Let’s go.”

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