Eleanor hit Louis’ arm again just as the bell rang. “You little twat,” she said without an ounce of malice. “You love me.”

 “Of course I do,” Louis said, kissing his friend on the cheek. “I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?” The girl nodded her head and Louis left to go to his first class.

 Louis seemed to do a pretty good job at ignoring Zayn. Even in the few classes they had together, Louis managed to sit as far away from the boy as he could and escaped the class before the other boy had to chance to corner him. Unfortunately, that only lasted until the last class of the day. Louis, while trying to avoid Zayn, forgot to piss after lunch and knew there was no way he was going to be able to hold it until he got home. He took the lavatory pass from it’s place by the door and headed straight for the loo. Even though Louis thought he was home clear as he was washing his hands, the door opened and standing at the entrance was none other than Zayn Malik.

 “Fancy running into you here, ain’t it, Lou?” the boy said in an obnoxiously cheeky voice. “Haven’t seen much of you the past couple of days. It’s almost like you’ve been ignoring me.”

 “Something like that,” Louis mumbled as he went to dry his hands.

 Zayn put his hand over his heart and let out a dramatic gasp. “I’m hurt, Tomlinson,” he said with a chuckle. “You can’t really still be mad over what happened on New Years, can ’ye? I was only messing around with your slave. Bit of fun.”

 Louis did his best to hold in the growl that was stuck in the back of his throat. He wasn’t going to fall for any of Zayn’s tricks. He wasn’t going to let the other boy get to him.

 “You know,” the boy continued, even though Louis was making it plenty obvious that he had no interest in anything that Zayn had to say. “He is rather cute but pretty lanky. Probably can’t please you as much as I could. I know all of your special spots, know exactly how to make you scream my—-“

 Zayn wasn’t able to finish his thoughts. Louis had gripped the boy’s uniform shirt and pushed him against the wall of the loo. “Shut it!” he growled. “I don’t know what you think you’re playing at, Malik, but whatever it was that we had is over. Harry and I may not have had as much time together as we have but trust me, the boy is much better in bed than you ever were. Plus, he actually swallows unlike you, you sissy bitch. Now why don’t you run off and suck someone off who can stand your yapping, you little slut.”

 With that, Louis pushed Zayn once more against the wall before turning to leave the loo, leaving a shocked Zayn behind. He knew he was a bit harsh on the other boy. Before they started fooling around they were friends but now, he couldn’t stand the sight of him. Especially now that he was running his mouth about Harry; his Harry.

 Louis returned to his class, fuming at what happened with Zayn. He wished it didn’t bother him as much as it did, but he couldn’t help it. The last twenty minutes of the day were ticking by painfully slow but when that final bell rung, Louis let out a sigh of relief and practically ran to the car.

 He tried calming himself down on the ride him, he really did. He tried reminding himself that Zayn’s words meant nothing, that Harry would be home waiting for him to take for himself, only him; nothing helped. He walked into the house, ignoring Niall as he stomped up the stairs to his bedroom. He opened his door, through his bag down and looked over to see Harry, completely naked and on his knees in front of the bed.

 He walked over to Harry and put his arms on his shoulders. “Get up, Haz,” he said in a much more harsh tone than he meant it. Harry looked slightly confused at his master, not quite sure why he seemed angry but Harry quickly did as he was told and stood up. Louis nodded and turned his slave around and pushed the boy down on his front onto the mattress. “Spread your legs for me.”

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