Before I could even say another word,they wrapped a black piece of tissue around my eyes.

"Move guys,fast"I heard Jordan say,"Walk Alexandra"he commanded.

The ice cold air sent shivers down my spine and I knew that we were outside.

"Where are you taking me?Jordan?"I said my heart racing in my chest.Suddenly I heard a car engine roar to life,"Get her in the car guys"he said.They pushed me inside and I instantly felt the car move.After what seemed like five minutes,Jordan spoke again,"Remove her blindfold".

They did as they were told and I immediately scanned my surroundings.We were in the middle of..nowhere.I have never seen this road before,which made me even more scared.

After driving for a few more minutes,we arrived to a little cabin in the mountains.It was foggy and looked like it was about to rain.Two more cars parked behind us,and Ruby stepped out the same time I did.

The two men stood between me and walked me inside the cabin.

"Take a seat"Jordan said pushing me on the sofa,and sitting next to me.I saw Ruby walk to the corner and carry a small brown bag.

"It's all here"She said handing it to him.His face lit up like a christmas tree,"Pleasure doing business with you".

She smirked and looked at me,"Jordan got what he wanted,now it's my turn.I'm giving you two options".

"Two options?"

"I know that you only agreed to marry Jay because of your father,so the first option is that I pay the five million dollars to Connor,anonymously of course,and you ask for a divorce from Jay".

"What's the second option..?"I said between gritted teeth.

"I fucking shoot you in the head and get it over with".

My eyes widened at that second option,"Are you fucking insane?I choose neither".

"Let me guess,you won't choose the second option because you'll die of course,and the first one it's love Jay don't you?"

I closed my eyes at that thought and I remembered Jay's face the other night.I made a huge mistake by not telling him that I love him..because I do.

"So that's it"She let out a sarcastic laugh,"You love him".

I looked at her wanting to jump and scratch her eyes out.She raised her eyebrow,"Silly,silly girl.Don't you know that Jay loves me?"

I shook my head,"You are delusional".

"Oh yeah?Two years ago,I got pregnant".

"W-what?"I almost choked on my words.

"He was my everything,and I was gonna be the mother of his child.But unfortunately the pregnancy was unstable and I ended up having a miscarriage"she said,her eyes softening and tearing up,"But he loves me,I know he does".

Her facial expression turned dark again,"You are just a distraction,just something to make him forget about me.That's why you need to walk out of his life".

" you realise how psychotic you are Ruby?"I growled at her,"Accept the fact that he doesn't love you and leave me the fuck alone!"

"You are the one who is gonna leave Jay alone!"She yelled back,her face turning red.

"Over my dead body!"

"Well that can be arranged"she growled pulling a gun out of her jacket and pointing it at me.I closed my eyes waiting for that sound,waiting for the pain..

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