Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

Jay paced back and forth,his eyes full of hate and anger.It actually scared me seeing how angry he is,like he's going to break something,Wesley's face to be precise.

"Son of a bitch"he mumbled under his breath but loud enough for me to hear,"I should have expected this!"

"Jay calm down please"I walked towards him and grabbed his clenched fists,"please".

He gazed into my eyes,"How can you expect me to calm down,knowing that one of my bestfriends flirted with my wife,with..with..what's MINE?!"

I sighed,knowing that me trying to calm Jay down won't work.But what I was really worried about is Peyton.I can't stand the thought of seeing my bestfriend with that jerk.I need to do something.

"I have an idea"I said.He shook his head immediately,"No no,I'm going to punch this motherfucker right-"

"You are going to calm down!"I cut him off,"Think about Peyton!She's never going to believe me if I go tell her what happened!We need proof".

"Proof my ass"Jay mumbled between gritted teeth,"I just wanna punch that asshole!"

Okay,this is going nowhere.I pouted like a little girl and stepped closer,closing the gap between us,"Jay.."

His eyes instantly softened and he lowered his voice,"Oh don't do that cupcake..".

"Jay please.."I slipped my hands around his neck gently,"Do this for know I really care about Peyton..".

"I know"he said watching my every move.I nodded,"Yeah.."And leaned closer,slowly brushing my lips over his.His hands made their way to my waist and in a second lifted me up.I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled,"I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"Yes but it better be a good plan cupcake."

"Don't worry"I said and placed a kiss on his lips.He raised his eyebrows,surprised,and a grin formed on his lips,"Now let's go get this motherfucker".

* * *

I stood in front of Wesley's cabin,waiting for him to answer the door.

"Do you really wanna hurt your bestfriend's feelings?"

His words rang in my head.I just hope Peyton appreciates what I'm doing for her and not take it as in trying to steal


Finally I heard footsteps from inside and the door flung open,revealing Wesley in a tank top and board shorts,his hair all messy.A smirk formed on his pink lips,"Well,what is Mrs.Rockefeller doing here at this time?"

I looked down,"I..I just came to apologise for what had happened this morning..".

He raised an eyebrow,"Yeah right.You probably told Jay and this is your stupid plan to-"

"It's not a plan,think about it"I looked him in the eyes trying to be confident as possible,"You know Jay,he's short tempered and possessive.If I really told him he'd probably be on his way to kick your ass right now".

Wesley thought about it for a second then looked around,"Then where is he?"

"I told him to take Peyton to dinner,you know,try to convince her to not be mad at me anymore..but I think we both know the reason I told him to take her away..".

"We do?"

I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him slowly,walking inside and closing the door behind me.I felt his heartbeat fasten and his eyes widened in shock,"This has to be a game..".

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