Chapter seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

I rubbed my temples,listening to one of Connor's friends brag about his houses and cars.Oh for fucks sake no one cares about that old man,I thought to myself.Scanning the big room,I spotted Jay walking back towards our table,finally.

"Thank god"I whispered to him when he sat down by my side,"This dude won't shut up".Jay laughed,"If you think he's that bad,you should see his wife,she's a-"

Jay suddenly looked up,"Sweetheart!I was just talking about you Mrs.Richmond!"

A fake smile formed on his lips as he stood up and greeted the black haired woman.

"It's so good to see you love"She spoke with her british accent then shifted her gaze to me,"And I presume this is your wife".

"Hello"I smiled and shook her hand.

"How do you do?"

"How do I do what?"I asked arching my eyebrow.Jay immediately chuckled,"She's asking how are you".

My eyes grew wider and my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.Mrs.Richmond's expression turned cold,"Excuse me,I have to go now".

"Oh will you stop laughing!"I hit Jay on the chest as she walked away,"Humourless woman".

"Tell me about it.Now Mrs.Rockefeller,"he continued imitating Mrs.Richmond with her british accent,"Do you wanna dance?"

"Oh do I ?!"I said interlocking my fingers with his.We stepped to the dance floor where couples danced to a nice jazz song.Jay twirled me around before placing his arm around my waist.This past week Jay and I were literally inseparable,and I liked it.

"A.."he spoke but stopped instantly.I shook my head,"What?"

"Nothing nothing".

"Oh come on!Since last week it's like you've been trying to tell me something but then you stop".

"You're right.I need to tell you something,just not here.Come with me".

"But we can't leave your dad's party".

"It's fine we'll come back"he gave me a reassuring smile and pulled me close to his side.We both walked around his parents house before stopping in front of the garden's gates.

"Umm..what now?"

Jay smirked and pulled out a black piece of tissue from his pocket,"I'm gonna have to blindfold you".

"What why?"

"Just trust me.Do you trust me?"his eyes softened.I nodded,"I trust you".

He blindfolded me and placed his arm around me,guiding me to god knows where.The cold air hit me and I knew that we stepped outside to the garden.After walking for a few seconds,we stopped and I was eager to find out what Jay was up to.I felt him leaving my side,"When I say open,you remove the blindfold okay?"






I removed the blindfold and my eyes instantly widened at what was in front of me,"Oh my god..Jay.."I mumbled.

The pool was full of red floating roses,and around it three giant walls of white roses with red flowers forming hearts.Candles all around the garden,lighting the scene.Jay walked towards me with a precious smile on his face,and took my hands in his.

"Your gorgeous laugh brightens up my whole day.I love the way your cheeks turn all red when you get nervous or shy.I love the way you talk,you smile,you walk,..everything.I love cuddling with you at night,and I love watching you fall asleep in my arms like an angel.I can't help the way I feel about you Alexandra,I've been trying to find a way to tell you all this,but I just didn't know how.I fell for you,so fucking hard.I love you."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I stood in front of this amazing guy in shock.He loves me,Jay loves me.A part of me was completely happy,and the other part completely sad.Why?

I can't say it back.

The words couldn't leave my mouth.

I'm not gonna deny that I'm falling for Jay,but I'm also scared to love someone again,and give my all to them.

"Alexandra?"Jay asked,snapping me out of my thoughts,"So?"

He's waiting for me to say it back.His eyes darkened and he looked at the ground,"Oh."

He shoved his hands in his pocket and cleared his throat,his eyes filled with sadness and hurt.My mind was so confused right now,I had no idea what to think.

"Jay"I finally spoke.He shook his head,his sadness turning into anger,"No Alexandra no!Just leave me alone".

He walked away,leaving me in tears in the middle of the garden.

* * *

I walked inside the house,my heart pounding in my chest.

"Jay"I called out,but only my echo replied.I headed to the living room,and saw him sitting on the couch,his head leaned back,staring at the ceiling.

"I..I'm so sorry"I finally said taking a few steps forward.

"Sorry?For what?"he asked coldly.

"I do like you Jay".

He lifted his head,"And that's the problem.You 'like' me!But me?I LOVE you!"

He got off the couch and stood in front of me,"And how could I be so stupid? Thinking that this marriage would work,that hopefully you'll love me but no,I was wrong!"he continued shouting.

"Just listen to me-"

"If you don't wanna be with me and you just hate my guts well leave!Why don't you leave yeah Alexandra?!"

Tears rolled down my cheek and I just cracked,"Well fine!"I pushed him back and hit his chest,"Fine fine fine!"

I grabbed my car keys from the table and left the house,leaving Jay behind.Anger boiled in my veins and my vision was blurry from the tears,I had no idea where I was going.He just expected me to love him like i've never been hurt,it was that easy for him!

I stepped on the gas pedal,and drove to God knows where.The streets were almost empty,only a few cars on the road.I grabbed my phone and called Peyton;she answered on the third beep.

"Yo A!"She said,"What's up?"

"Peyton.."I bawled out,"Where are you?"

"Oh my god Alex are you alright?"Her tone turned serious,"What's going on why are you crying?"

I started explaining to Peyton what happened,when suddenly three cars showed up behind me;one behind me and the other two by my side.They were all black Cadillac Escalades,going at the same speed as me.

"Alexandra?You there?"Peyton spoke up.

"'s just-"I said but got blinded by the fluorescent lights coming right at me from the front,"SHIT!"

A black car was driving in the opposite direction right in front of me,and I couldn't go left or right.

I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die.

"WHAT?!WHAT'S GOING ON?!"I heard Peyton shouting.The phone fell from my hand and I noticed the car in front of me started to slow down.I did the same and the cars around me too.

Oh thank goodness.

We all stopped the cars in the middle of the empty road.Since their windows were tinted I couldn't see who's inside.

"Peyton.."I mumbled,my hands shaking in fear.Before she could even reply,my phone ran out of battery.

You gotta be kidding me!

After a few seconds of sitting there,wondering if I'm going to die tonight,someone stepped out of the black car in front of me.

Oh shit.

Author's note

Just a little quick chapter :))!

Read and vote guys xo!

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