"Hey, Lahey," I smiled brightly and waved to him with the hand that held my phone.

"Oh. Hey, Rae." Isaac said awkwardly, not looking straight at me. Despite the years we'd been friends, he was still a little hesitant so I didn't push him. I did, however, notice something on his face today that I didn't like.

"Isaac." I said softly, "What happened to your face?" I asked, slowly reaching towards him to pull him around. I gasped when I noticed the yellow and purple bruise on his cheek, a slight cut marring his cheekbone. Isaac was tense and didn't look at me so I called his name again.

"It's nothing. Just tripped and hit my face on my knee." He answered. He still wouldn't look at me and I knew he was lying, but I didn't say anything.

"Come here." He looked up, fear and shock in his eyes. "Just come here," I said, pulling him delicately around the hall and into the girls' bathroom, locking the door when I found it was empty.

"What are you doing?" Isaac asked, hesitantly. I simply grabbed a paper towel and wet it, walking towards him. Pulling down his hood, I dabbed at the cut, cleaning the blood. Throwing away the towel, I opened my bag, pulling out the makeup so Isaac wouldn't have to deal with people staring. He was silent and tense the entire time I did it, and when I finished, he looked in the mirror, dumbfounded at seeing a bruiseless face.

"Why?" He choked out, his voice cracking. I looked at him with sympathy.

"Because I get that you don't want to talk about it. And I get that you already have a hard enough time at school. So the least I could do is give them one less thing to torment you about." I said with finality, putting my things away and looking back up to him to see his eyes tearing up and his body more relaxed than I'd ever seen it. All of a sudden he was barreling forward, pulling me into a hug. At first, I was too shocked to react, but I soon wrapped my arms around him, showing him the comfort I knew he desperately desired.

"Thank you." He barely got out, squeezing me for a second before letting go, wiping his fingers under his eyes to get rid of the few tears, inhaling deeply.

"You're welcome. Anytime this happens, don't be afraid to find me. I'll fix you right up. And if you ever do want to talk about it, know you have my number. And also, I have like no curfew so if you ever need to get away from your dad," I lightly hinted, "I can come pick you up." I told him softly, giving him a small smile that he returned with the most grateful look I'd ever seen. "Now, are you gonna be alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Isaac said with a wave of his hand. "Thanks for the help. Really," Isaac said shyly, turning to walk out of the bathroom with me behind him.

The first thing I saw when I walked out of the bathroom was Scott, who didn't look so good.

And then I saw Stiles.

And Stiles looked pissed.

I had no idea why, but he looked very angry and would not look at me. Skipping up to them, I slid up to my boys.

"Hey Scotty, how'd it go with Ali Cat?" I asked, curious as to whether my ship would continue to sail. Scott looked like he wanted to shoot himself which was very confusing based on his reply.

"Oh, oh. Good. Good. It went good. Your advice was great. Thanks, Rae." He stuttered out, causing my brows to furrow. Turning to Stiles, I noticed he still looked uncharacteristically angry.

"Stiles, why does it look like someone shit in your cornflakes?" I questioned sweetly, not wanting 1/2 of my best friends angry and the other 1/2 utterly confusing. It startled me how quickly his head shot to look at me.

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}[1]Where stories live. Discover now