First Day pt.1

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     Yoongi had woken up the next morning to make breakfast when he realized someone was singing from the opposite side of the dorm. He remembered that he had a roommate now who's name was Jimin. Realizing this, he went closer to the door and listened silently. 'His voice is so gorgeous, I could die from it!' Even though he wouldn't admit it, the elder loved the younger's voice. When the younger finished singing, Yoongi knocked on his door quietly, because the boy seemed shy yesterday evening, not wanting to scare him.
     Jimin didn't answer the first time, causing Yoongi to knock on the door again. He finally got an answer, but it was slightly muffled. "Come in." The muffled voice said, Yoongi proudly coming into the room. "I was just going to tell you that I'm making breakfast, so what do you want?" The younger was in thought for a moment, but managed to say something. "Just some cereal" he says quietly, but loud enough for Yoongi to hear. With confidence Yoongi glanced at the boy saying "Also, you have a really great voice." Before leaving, leaving the younger a blushing mess. 'Why is he so quiet?' Yoongi thought to himself as he was getting breakfast ready. Breakfast was quite silent, not the comfortable kind. The elder decided to break the silence with a big question. "Why are you so shy?" He was only met with a shrug from the younger. "Hey! I need an answer!" Yoongi yelled, causing Jimin to jump back a little, to scared to answer as he put his head down. The elder lost it. "Are you gonna freakin' answer or not, weirdo?! Jimin's head shot up, the word 'weirdo' sticking in his mind, tears swelling up in his eyes. Yoongi saw the tears in his eyes and quickly picked up on the situation, remembering what he had just said. "Woah! Why are you so scared?" Sniffling, Jimin finally gave an answer in a quite scared sounding tone. "I have a p-panic dis-disorder." "Oh." Yoongi usually didn't get things like these, but for some odd reason, he went over to the younger and wiped his tears away, very gently. "I'm sorry, Jiminie, I didn't mean to yell." Jimin was left shocked, as was Yoongi himself. He had never given anyone a nickname, not even his best friends, Namjoon, Taehyung (ma BIAS!!), Jungkook, Jin, and Hoseok. 'What was getting into him?'
It was almost time for school and Jimin was now sitting on the couch fully dressed waiting for Yoongi. A few minutes later, he came out of the shower, got dressed and went to join Jimin on the couch. Once he got there, Yoongi was shocked by the image before him. It was Jimin, dressed in an 'American flag-like jumper (picture above) and red converse with gray sweatpants. In Yoongi's mind, all he could think about was how gorgeous he was. He was so gorgeous that he cou-
"Yoongi... why are you staring?" Jimin asked, showing his face for the first time. Yoongi couldn't believe his eyes, Jimin's face was so adorable (not to mention hot), his eyes shining bright, pink hair falling over them. Yoongi finally snapped out of it when he saw Jimin's hand in his face. "Why are you staring?" Jimin said worriedly. "Oh, um... I'm fine...Sorry! Yoongi said awkwardly and sat beside Jimin.
     A few minutes passed and it was almost time for school to start. Yoongi got up lazily and walked over to Jimin, pulling him up. "Jimin, I think we should head to class now,c'mon!" "W-wait...N-now?! B-but I don't w-want t-to...At l-least not yet!" Jimin became a trembling mess, he was on the verge of crying. "But Jimin, you have to go at some point or you'll be la-"
"What if the people there hate me because of my STUPID disorder!" Jimin had finally broke and started sobbing. Yoongi's heart tore into pieces at the sight. So, he did something he never did before and went to hug Jimin. He kept whispering sweet nothings in the younger's ear (not his hybrid ears). "I'm gonna be in the same class as you right?" Yoongi said, immediately, the younger calmed down and nodded, looking up at Yoongi. "That means, if anybody hurts my baby, I will beat them senseless, okay?" Jimin blushed at the new nickname, making Yoongi realize what he said. He was going to apologize when Jimin interrupted him with a very shaky 'Okay'. On their way to class, Yoongi was constantly smacking himself mentally for what he had said earlier.

Little did he know, that this was the very beginning of something amazing.

BAM!! Chapter three done! Also sorry for not posting. As I said in the first chapter, I'm very busy during the summer, so posting isn't a very easy task. Fun note: if you wanna see a Yoonmin (Horror) text story unfold, then follow my YouTube @SunshineCity1234
Fun note #2: if your looking for a really good Yoonmin or Vkook story, you should follow StarlightNArmy.

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