Ep.18: Land Before Swine

Start from the beginning

Soos: Dude, that was a dinosaur, bros!!!

Dipper: How is it possible a dinosaur survived 65 million years?!?

Soos: Did you see that Mr. Pines?!? Mr. Pines?

Stan: It- it took him!

You: Took who?!?

Stan: The pig! It took Waddles!

Mabel: *comes riding her bike* What'd you say about Waddles?

You, Dipper, Soos, and Stan: ...

Mabel: Woah, awkward silence! BWAHHHHH!!! What's going on?!? Why are you standing around all awkwardly?!? And where's Waddles?!?

Stan: Um... uh... the good news is: you're getting a puppy!!!

Mabel: What happened?!?

Stan: Well, see, um, when the-

Soos: The pig got eaten by a pterodactyl, bro!

Mabel: WHAT?!? WADDLES?!? WADDLES!!! Where did he go?!? How did this happen?!? Grunkle Stan, you didn't put him outside?!?

Stan: Haha, w-what?!? No, I didn't put him anywhere!!! I'm not acting suspicious!!! You're acting suspicious!!! What's a pig?!?

Dipper: Then what happened?

Stan: Uh, look, it went down like this, see?!? So there I was, in the living room, tenderly nursing him with only the richest of creams!!! When all of a sudden, the creature came bursting through the door and took Waddles!!! So I said: Ahhhh, no dice, cowboy!!! and start punching him right in the face!!! But he played dirty!!! That really happened!!! *starts to fake cry*

You: Mhm...

Mabel: Uhg, Grunkle Stan, you tried to save him!!! *hugs Stan*

Stan: Oh yep, I'm a... great man alright.

Dipper: You punched a pterodactyl in the face?!? I thought you didn't even believe in the supernatural!

Stan: Dinosaurs aren't magic, they're just big lizards!!! Get off my back!!!

Mabel: *stops hugging and looks at a picture of her and Waddles as tears fall down her cheeks* Oh... Waddles...

You: That's it, no pterodactyl messes with my best friend!

Dipper: Yeah, we're gonna go out there, catch him, and save your pig!!! For Mabel, guys!!!

You: For Mabel!!!

Soos: For Mabel!!!

Stam: But how do we even find the little guy?!?

Mabel: *gasp* We follow that!!! *points at some red string that goes through the forest*

You, Dipper, and Soos: *cheer*

Stan: Or, you know, we could just call it a day, maybe hit the pool hall, or...

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *stare at Stan*

Stan: ...yeah, let's go save Woggels!!!

Mabel: Waddles.

Stan: Him too!

We get what we need including a cage which I thought was too small but whatever. The search for Waddles was about to begin!!!

Soos: *finishes spray painting something in the car* Alright, that pterodactyl won't know what hit him!!!

Dipper: Huh, it's pterodactyl, man.

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