11~ Moonshine

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For probably the 15th time that morning, I turned back to look at Eric. Tonight was the full moon, and he had only just started his transformations about two years ago. Dad and I never knew what he was going to do.

"Stop." Was all he said in his gravelly morning voice. I whipped my head back to the front, wincing as I jostled my shoulder a little. Last night working at the diner had been fun, but it sure took a toll. I woke up in searing pain, only now it was a dull throb.

But it was worth it. Those Mooncake Sundays were literally, and excuse the pun, out of this world.

Dad reassuringly put his hand on mine, patting it as he pulled into the school's parking lot. We had made up from our fight, him saying he was sorry for not at least trusting me. He still claimed he didn't like Kyle, but what was a girl to do.

Surprisingly, I found Jonah waiting for me at my locker. Sam was probably with Kyle studying for their Biology test, and Eric was being a grumpy gills, though I really couldn't blame him, so It was just me and Jonah. Alone.

"Hey," was all he said as I reached to open my locker. I winced at the movement in my shoulder and he noticed. "Your shoulder giving you trouble?" I shrugged.

"Nothing I can't handle. But, uh, what's up? You seem...off."

And he did. His hair wasn't perfectly quaffed as it always seemed to be, dark bags hung under his eyes, and he looked about ready to jump out of his skin.

"Full moon tonight," I only nodded, "that was actually something I wanted to talk with you about."


"Well," Jonah began, rubbing his hand through his hair to the back of his neck, scratching there.

Why did I find that completely adorable?

"I know Eric isn't a part of a pack, and it's really dangerous for him to be out there alone and shifting, especially around people. What is he? 17?"

"No, he's 15." Jonah looked shocked by this, bewildered even.

"There's no way." It was my turn to look confused. "You told me you saw his eyes glow when he was little, right," I nodded, "well, werewolves eyes don't even begin to show their true nature until about 12 or 13."

"No, he started what I think was a partial shift when he was 13." Again, Jonah's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Again, I found him adorable.

The bell rang, signaling first period.

"I can't be late for this class again. Text me, ok? None of that freaky mind crap." Jonah smirked.

"But, it's so much fun getting to swim around inside your brain." I punched him with my good arm, he didn't even wince.

"Well, it hurts. So, no. Got it?"

He nodded, that teasing smile still on his face.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I liked this version of Jonah much better than the first one, that's for damn sure.

The day went by rather quickly. I had no more run ins with Jonah, spent lunch with Sam and Kyle, and finally met dad and Eric in the parking lot.

We took our usual places in the truck, and just as my door shut, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked. It was an unknown number.

"You know, I really like the mind link better than this."

"Well, it feels like someone is trying to pry open my brain with a hammer and chisel, so yeah. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world." He chuckled on the other end, most likely shaking his head at me.

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