22 ~ Burning Questions

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Eric must have stopped anyone from following me, cause no one did. This was something I had to do on my own, and as I passed the stonewalls and silver cell bars, my conviction rose higher and higher. This was perhaps the least dangerous route out of every idea I had. Now that I knew what I was capable of, I wasn't worried.

There was only one guard, who I recognized as Damon from before, and I waved to him. Without hesitation he let me into her cell. Jonah must've mind linked him and told him I was coming. Good, at least their letting me have this.

The room was a little smaller than the interrogation one she had been in before. This time there was a twin bed, a sink and toilet, and a bedside table. Quite the upgrade, honestly.

She lay on the bed, back facing me, staring at the wall. Her skin was paler since I had last seen her, and my stomach churned with the memory of what I had done. The bandage on her neck was still there, but there was no blood that seeped through the white fibers. This time I would take a different approach.

I sat on the edge of the bed at her feet, not looking at her, instead facing the other wall. I would wait until she made the first move. I had nothing but time after all.

"...You here to finish what you started?" She asked hesitantly. She was still facing the wall, that I could tell from my peripheral.

"Fortunately for you, no." I felt her turn over and look at me. "Actually, I need your help."

She scoffed, turning back to the wall.

"And why in the hell would I help you?"

"Cause I'm your ticket out of here." That caught her attention. She sat up fully this time, knees to her chest, arms folded over them, hands holding her elbows.

"I don't believe you."

I smirked.

"Well, if I'm half as powerful as you believe me to be," I turned to her, feeling a rush of what could only be classified as power flit through my gut. I willed my eyes to turn that same violet color again as I looked at her. It seemed to work, and I saw her visibly shiver. "Then it should be a piece of cake." I blinked, and the feeling was gone, and I knew my eyes had turned back to normal.

"You're not giving me any choice here, are you?" She sighed, as if resigned to her fate.

I shrugged, "That's the thing, it is your choice." I got up from the bed. "Whether you get out of here or not," I walked towards the door, "is up to you." I raised my hand to knock on the door, about to let Damon know that I was finished.


I couldn't stop the small, devilish smile that came to my face. Got ya.

"What do you want to know?"

I turned back to her, not even bothering to hide my satisfaction.

"First of all, what's your name?" She jolted back, as if I had shocked her. I don't think any of my hidden powers included being able to conduct electricity.

Though, that'd be pretty freaking cool.

"Uh- what?"

"Your name. I'd like to refer to you as something other than 'hunter-girl-I-almost-killed' from now on."

She was silent for a bit, as if trying to figure out what game I was playing. Little did she know, I wasn't playing one. I was genuinely curious.


I only nodded. I did like that I now had a name to go with the girl. It made this feel a little more personal.

"Start with your organization." I leaned against the door, "You're not normal hunters, are you?" I said it as more of a statement, knowing hunters didn't target packs that did nothing wrong let alone in a group the size of the one that attacked us.

"No, we're a rogue faction, kept secret from the Council. We're simply called the Organization. Elsa started it, I don't know when, but she's always been our leader."

"Why did you guys attack us?"

"It's... it's difficult to explain without telling you everything."

"Alright," I shrugged, taking a seat on the concrete floor, leaning my back against the door, "I've got time."

If I didn't know any better, I would say Maya looked slightly amused at this as she too settled in on her bed, back also against the wall.

"Is this the part where we're supposed to make cookies and braid each other's hair?"

"I mean..." I trailed off as I considered it, "it's not out of the question." The side of Maya's mouth quirked up, and I returned the small gesture with one of my own.

"The Council found me when I was a little girl. Hunters took me in, raised me, trained me, and then Elsa caught wind of a girl who grew up in the life. She came to me and wanted me to join her, asked if I was interested in wiping every paranormal thing in existence. I immediately asked where to sign up." I didn't question why she was so eager to start offing paranormals, that was her business and frankly, I didn't care. All I wanted to know was what the hell my mom was up to.

"I thought I would be doing what hunters normally did, hunting. But I never expected what I got. The Organization it-" she paused, at a loss for words, "it's sick, bordering on twisted. The lengths they go through to hunt and kill creatures is just..."

"Wrong?" I finished for her when she looked like she didn't know what else to say. She nodded, meeting my eyes. It was a look I had never seen before but was able to recognize. It was the look of someone who wanted out, someone who didn't believe in their cause anymore.

"Yeah, they didn't just kill supernaturals who were hurting people. Any creature that caught their eye, they took care of. Sometimes even capturing them and turning them into an experiment." This caught me off guard.

"Experiment?" Maya nodded once again.

"Yeah," she confirmed, "they would take them hostage, dissect them, use them as canon fodder for their new and improved weaponry. The scientists always wanted to see just how much a supernatural being could actually take before it died."

I let this new information turn over in my mind. My mother was hunting, killing, and experimenting on supernatural creatures in what seemed to be the most brutal way possible. I didn't know it then, but my younger self was definitely right about one thing.

She was an absolute monster.

Clearing my throat, I asked her my next burning question, "So, what does that have to do with us?"

"Well, you and your brother are the first of your kind, right?" At my nod she continued. "Why else would she waste a whole platoon of hunters on two creatures?"

I knew where this was going, and I didn't want it to be true. Terror gripped me, squeezed my heart, made my body feel cold as I came to the conclusion that Maya wasn't saying.

"So, she wants to capture us, torture us, and then kill us. All for her experiments?" Saying the words aloud didn't make them any less scary.

Maya shrugged, "That's the gist of it."

It was quiet for a few seconds, Maya letting me process the information she just told me. My own mother wanted to sacrifice her own children in the name of science. How could someone be so utterly gone in bloodlust to even think about doing such a thing?

"Great, well I guess she's not winning mother of the year award anytime soon." Maya snorted at my comment, surprising me. She shook her head.

"You're funny."

"I try." With that, I got up from my spot on the floor. "Anyways, I'll see about getting you out of here. I can't guarantee that you'll be allowed away from the pack, but maybe I can wager a better room." She only nodded as a response.

I turned to knock, but before I did, I looked over my shoulder at her.

"Oh, and by the way..." I waited for her to look me in the eyes, "thank you, Maya."

To say she looked shocked would be an understatement. I couldn't help but wonder how long it had been since she was treated like an actual human being rather than a weapon. I knocked on the door, and Damon soon let me out into the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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