169145201855'19 Nightmare

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Dipper finally woke up with the sound of his alarm blaring in his face. "For gods sake why did I put that on high?" He sighed and rubbed his head. He slowly stretched out his cramping limbs before turning his car back on. When he reached for the keys that were still in the ignition and turned them it didn't budge.

"Fuck...Come ON! I NEED you to WORK!" As he kept trying his hand never moved sideways, as hard as he pushed it. "What's going on?" He mumbled and glanced outside for the first time. No....he was no where near Gravity Falls so how was he right behind the welcome sign? Dipper then started to realize that everything around him was black and white, just like when...Shut it Dipper! Don't think about it. LA! La! la! He quickly shut his eyes plugged his ears and curled in on himself so he wouldn't have to look at everything around him.

He can't be alive...they defeated him when they were 12! "But that's where you are wrong PINE TREE!" Dipper curled in on himself when he heard that voice... no... "Can't hide forever so why don't you just sit up already and stop being a baby about this. Let's TaLK!" Dipper was thrown hard against the car door, his body coughing from the pain. Left over blue flames had singed the cars interior and scorched part of his famous Pine tree hat.

"Awe, don't be so down. You wouldn't have known that I'd come back if Stanley Pines remembered everything he forgot. We have shooting star to thank for that." If Bill could smile he would.

"Now, I know you Pine Tree. I need a helping hand from my favorite meat sack. I need...a favor." His eye lit up a vivid blue which scared Dipper into moving his hand slowly toward the car door handle. There was only one way out of this and it was escape. He wouldn't be making any deals with this...thing.."Screw you!" He yelled as his hand reached the door handle and tried yanking it open. It wouldn't budge. Crap! What am I gonna do? He was shaking in fear now, knowing he was trapped inside of a confined space with Bill of all things. "Pretty please? For old times sake?" His eye grinned evilly.

"No....no...no...No....NO!" Dipper said repeatedly shaking his head back and forth. "Yeesh kid. Calm down." The demon replied and floated down to Dippers eye level. "Since you won't ask what the deal even is I'll tell you."

"I'm looking for someone, and I think you might know where he is? He is marked by the night sky." Dippers eyes widened in fear. "His birthmark smack dab in the middle of his forehead. The Big Dipper constellation. Know him?" Dipper shook his head no, maybe he could throw him off his trail. He couldn't know about the birthmark that had been planted on his forehead since birth.

"It is said, that this boy could be the key to unlocking my true potential. But you don't need to know the rest. I just need you to find him for me. When you do, I can protect you and your family from the inevitable." Dipper glanced at the demon in the eye daringly. "I won't...I won't help you." He got cut off as another blast of flame shot him square in the chest which caused him to scream out in pain.

During the blast of magic his hat had fallen off and his hair flew in all different directions which revealed the birthmark on his forehead. No..no... "Well, that was easier than expected!" The demon laughed and touched the birthmark on Dippers forehead, it glowed when Bill used some of his magic. "I should've kept better surveillance on you Dipper Pines, because you were the one thats going to help me unlock my potential. I cant believe you we're right in front of my face this whole time! YES!"

Pain raced through Dippers body, causing him to scream. Blue chains the same color as the Demons fire formed from his veins. Blue cuffs appeared on his wrists. The chains had also sprouted around his neck and feet. "Too bad. If you made that deal you and your family would have been safe. Mason Dipper Pines. You are now MInE."

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