Part 12

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"I like you" 

I look at him wide-eyed. my heart was pounding so fast I thought he would hear it. My head was saying "no, he's going to get hurt if he dates you" yoongi sees the look on my face. "what's wrong? don't tell me you don't like me back. I knew I shouldn't have said anything" I shut him up by kissing him. he quickly kissed back. we broke apart breathing heavily "if I wasn't in love with you would I have done that?" he smiled. "and I was just thinking about something" he looked at me "about? come on, I know you. you don't make eye contact when you lie and when you tell half truth and half lie your nose twitches, so don't try and lie to me just tell me the truth" I... how... whatever not like I have a choice. he can catch my life from just looking at me... "I thought dating me would be dangerous since people are now after me." he looks at me and laughs "I do too, just hanging out with you id dangerous but it's so much fun. plus do you not remember who I am or who my uncle is?" its so easy to forget on the outside he looks like a softy but really his uncle runs a gang just like how im about to run a mob. thanks dad (total sarcasm). "yea your uncle is retiring right. when is that by the way?" I get cut off by someone opening the roof door. it's her and her bitches. yoongi better hold me back because im about to beat a bitch. but someone steps out from behind them. ryans brother. H-how is he alive, I-i watched him die right in front of me?  


it was the day of Ryans funeral. when we got there, i saw him. out of all people why him. Ryans brother. that jackass left his own brother to die with his deadbeat dad that motherfucker dares to show his face here. why now actually why ever? he looked up to him but he left him to die. he left his own brother, damn well knowing that his father beat him till he was black n blue. He left his when he was ten. Hell ryan cried for days when his brother left him. I was there to pick up all the damn pieces, and fix a broken boy that was broken to begin with. yoongi looked at me when his eyes followed where mine were placed. "who is that?" i finally took my eyes off him and looked at yoongi "he's Ryans brother jake, if you can call him a brother" he herd the anger and hate in my words. I walked up to him and started asking him "why in hell are you here?" he looked at me surprised "and who might you be?" i laughed "you know me. Im Ryan's best friend" his eyes widened "y/n?!" i shook my head "now stop playing games. Why are you here? you never loved your brother. So why show up to his funeral?" he laughed "I showed up just to see him one more time. And no i never loved him." that was it. I wanted to kill him then and there. But there are people around. "i need to talk to you meet me out back in a few minuets" I walked away and talked to yoongi about my plan. He didn't like my plan. Even though he wanted to kill that bastard too. It wasn't right. He had a point. Then he spoke up and said "you can invite him somewhere then kill him. Its a better plan." i nodded "yea. That bitch is gonna regret showing up here."  me and yoongi showed up at the back of the church, pure forests. I have a bad feeling about this. We saw ryans brother there. My knuckles turned pure white. Yoongi grabbed one of hands and held it, to calm me down. It sorta worked. That's when jake noticed us. "well hello. Who are you." he looked at yoongi. Before i could speak he said "yoongi Y/N's boyfriend." Jake laughed "wow you've grown up so much. Its sad quite frankly." he looked at yoongi "you'll be gone sooner or later. I think i like sooner." that's when he held up his hand and pointed at yoongi and I. Before i knew it. A laser pointed at Yoongi's head. We looked at each other before we heard two shots ring out. But nothing hit me. I open my eyes to see yoongi still standing too. Then we both look at jake. He's on the ground with two bullet wounds in his back. What...Just happened? Someone jumped down from a tree. NO FUCKIN WAY......... WOOZI?!

the bad boy fell for the good girl|suga ff|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz