part 9

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"would you mind if I moved in with you?"

I looked at him wide-eyed. "W-What?" "can I mov-"I cut him off holding up my hand "smart ass not what I meant, but maybe. also, can I sleep at your house. I don't think its safe for me to go home just yet since I just killed their leader or whatever, they're going to be after me so..." he shook his head and we walked to where my car was. 

~yoongi's P.O.V~

I woke up bound to a chair with someone next to me. he barely had his eyes open, that was until I moved. "ohh your awake" he looked bad. like he's been beaten up many times. he laughed "what's so funny?" he looked at me and said "do you not know me. we were best friends in elementary school" then it all came back to me "Ryan?" I thought I recognized that voice but he looks different, well without his chubby cheeks and brown hair. he now has red hair. we both halted out conversation when we heard someone come in the room "well well well, look who's awake" I just called your girlfriend. you know you should really have a password on your phone." he held up my phone. damn it I kept forgetting to put one on. "come again best friend, I don't have a girlfriend?" the whole time Ryan was being silent. I noticed he had his head down. the man that must have kidnapped us looked at him. "hello son. good to see you again, after that bitch you call a mother took you away from me. All the way to America." but he said his parents left. "Ryan you said your parents left. What is he talking about" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "my mother left him for my uncle and I'm sorry I lied. I was told not to let anyone know where I was going, because of him" he gave his father a cold look. "You were the reason we left. mother told me that you were treating her badly beating her till she turned blue and purple. why? why treat your own wife that way? she loved you. hell, she would have taken a bullet for you and this is how you repay her. I wouldn't call you a father, your a monster !" he walks up and punches him. I gave him the coldest fucking look ever. I swear if I wasn't bound to this chair I would have beat the shit out of him. He looked at me and laughed at how I was trying to escape out of the rope "what are you trying to escape now he punched me then I blacked out. I woke up a little later to see Y/N on the ground with an older man in her arms she was crying and repeating "appa"  she has a look in her eye that tells me nothing good is coming up. I see her reach into her boot and grab a shiny object. a knife. she tells Ryans father to turn around. foolish, that's what he is. the time he turns around she throws the knife directly into his chest. she noticed that I woke up she looks next to me and sees Ryan awake. ohh no, that's his father she just killed in cold blood. he looks like he's about to cry and kill her too. I look back over to her and see her standing over his dad. she pulls out the gun she had stolen from one of the guards,  she says "bye bye" and shoots him straight in the head. it's perfectly in the middle, it's like a piece of art. it's scary. she walks over to us and asks "are you guys ok?" I shake my head, then she looks at Ryan he looks scared. she untied us and goes to hug Ryan but he pushes her away. "don't touch me. don't come even near me ever again" he runs out towards the exit I look over at her and see her lower her head. I start to hear her sobbing, I see her wobble and before she can fall, I catch her. I pull her close to me and we sit on the ground. I feel bad she's been through a lot in probably these few hours I don't know how long I've been nocked out. 

~time skip~

we headed to my house. my dad and stepmom are not home right now my dad is on a business trip and my stepmom.... well out fucking other guys of course. I let her inside and we head to the kitchen. "are you hungry?" Y/N shakes her head I take out a water bottle and hand it to her. she takes it with a shaky hand. she looks like she's going to cry again. I see tears starting to form in the brim of her eyes. I pull her close and hug her. she holds me and cries. i pull her away a little. Just enough to look at her. I wipe her tears away and look her in the eyes. I could get lost in her eyes, i could just look in them forever. She is doing the same. Both of us standing in the kitchen lost in each other's eyes. My eyes flicker down to her lips and back up to her eyes. Man why does my heart beat so fast when im around her. Why? why me? im horrible at relationships. I see her look down at my lips then back up. Wait... Don't tell me she likes me too? I feel almost happy that she might like me back. I want to kiss her everytime i see her. I want to be by her all day long. I think i love Y/N. but im afraid of getting rejected.

the bad boy fell for the good girl|suga ff|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant