Part 2

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Its happened before...

When I was 14 a rival gang got a hold of me and kept me locked up for about a week with no food. They kept me there with a lot of other girls. I felt bad for them, I still remember the look in their eyes when I first got there. It was sadness and pity. They knew what was going to happen to me. Others looked skinny and week. when my dad and his gang came to save me and the other girls some thanked me and some couldn't believe it. after that, the people that kidnapped me were never heard from... I had a very good idea of what happened.

As I was sitting there staring at my ceiling... shit I realize that I have school. I don't want to go to school, I just don't want to see suga or the bitch lee young again. lee young is a... what is a nice way to put this 'queen' of the school ok more like a slut and she constantly bothers me and beats me whenever suga cant or doesn't have the time. She's the one I'm more worried about I have to control my anger more around her than suga, but I have to go to school or else I get detention and I don't want to stay any longer than I already have to. so I put on my outfit

Your outfit above^

I walk downstairs and see my dad at the table, it's not that often I get to see him he usually leaves early for 'work'. I walk to the kitchen and my dad looks up and sighs "what is the mark on the side of your face"



"you little nerd listen here. Who do you think you're messing with, I told you to do my fucking school work and you got every question wrong. What the hell."

I looked her in the eye and said...

"you told me to do your work not to get every question right" that when I felt my self-being pulled back and shoved into a hard wall. The last thing I felt was my head being punched against the wall too many times then I blacked out

-end of flashback-

he asked again "where did you get the mark from?" he stood up in his seat and crossed his arms. there is no point in lying so I tell him the truth. I've been lying for too long, but I'm scared

"a few girls beat me up for not doing their homework right," I said softly

"speak up I can't hear you" he walked closer

"I said a few girls beat me up for not doing their homework right" this time he herd me

He kept quiet and that was never a good sign

"nope not anymore your starting training early then you're going to stand up for your self and stop this," he said in a stern voice
I just stood there because my dad has never been this strict. Ever. It may seem like I'm spoiled but I'm not, I don't really live a good life... I don't have a motherly figure in my life so I have nobody except my dad and if something happens to him... I don't know what I would do.
I just shake my head agreeing because there is no changing his mind he's very stubborn. He walks further to inspect my face to see if there is anymore but I'm wearing a long sweater so I cover it up. I walk out the door after saying "I have to get to school. Bye" I had to get out of there or else he would have touched my wrists and instantly knew because they still hurt from a few days ago when lee young's possy of girls held them so she could beat me up. I still have scars on my stomach from that.
I get to school and hate it already because as usual everyone is staring at me... Because I'm different. Lile seriously just because I don't dress in little clothing and have friends does not make me so different. I'm not a whore like the other girls.
My phone vibrated indicating I got a text

Unknown: watch your back bitch

I just ignored it and walked to my locker. After I got all my books I walked to class. I don't have suga or lee young in this class so... YAY!!!
But the rest of my classes involve both or one of them so FUCKIN KILL ME

the bad boy fell for the good girl|suga ff|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora