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300 miles later the Jacobs' family, followed by the moving truck, arrived in the town of Fairborn. Within two minutes of arriving in the town, they pulled into the parking lot of a quaint motel. The siding was weathered and a few shutters were missing.

Connie parked her car, the moving truck following close behind. Within seconds she was out of the car, along with Brinley, who was holding Carter in her arms. The three of them shuffled into a room in the middle of the building that said 'Office' above the door frame. They were greeted with a warm smile coming from a plump older woman who cheerfully sat behind the desk. Her husband came into the room and flashed a smile as well, but continued walking past them and out of the building.

The elderly lady, who was the owner of the motel, shifted in her seat and pulled out a few papers before directing her question at Connie. "How many nights dear?"

"We don't know yet. We just need a place to stay until we find a permanent place to live." Connie responded awkwardly, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"How about you pay weekly then? Does that sound doable? You'd pay every Sunday, preferably by noon." The owner, whose name tag displayed the name 'Mrs. Wallace' said sympathetically.

"That would be great." Connie was relieved, and Mrs. Wallace's kind spirit helped ease her nervousness.

Without another word, Mrs. Wallace got out of her chair and waddled over to a file cabinet. She pulled out a key with a tag that said '17' on it.

    "Here we go. Room 17. This is our biggest room. Two bedrooms. One bathroom. A nice living room and kitchen. We've got quite the luxury here." She informed the family pridefully.

    Once they walked into the room, their senses filled with the smell of freshly done laundry. The beige carpet seemed to have been just vacuumed and in most senses, the room was fairly modern looking, besides the outdated tile flooring and the obviously hand knit blankets that hung across the sofa and recliner. It was adorable, and it reminded Brinley of her grandparents home, which she so desperately wanted to visit.

    Approximately 30 seconds after Brinley finished unpacking a box of her clothes and hanging them up in the room that she shared with Carter, her phone began ringing from across the room. She crawled over her bed and snatched the phone off of the charger and answered without looking at the contact.

    "Hello? Who is this?" Brinley questioned the caller.

    "Brin? It's me, Aurelia." The girl on the other line said excitedly.

    Aurelia, or as many knew her by, Lia Garcia was Brinley's best friend since kindergarten. They lost contact when Brinley moved to Monroeville, and she didn't think Aurelia would ever be able to contact her again. Fortunately, she was wrong.

    "Lia?" Brinley couldn't believe that it was her best friend on the phone. "How did you get my number?"

    "Long story. But Gina said she saw you at a motel or something. I don't know exactly, but she was freaking out."

    "Gina's still here too?" Brinley was excited to know even more of her former best friends were still in Fairborn.

    "Yeah! You're like the only lucky one who has moved out of this town."

    "But I'm back so..." Brinley laughed.

    "Well now that you're back, there is a party tomorrow night for the beginning of senior year." Lia informed Brinley. Brinley laid anxiously on her bed, more excited than ever. Lia continued, "It's at Matthew Wilson's house, and he also just goes by Matt now, by the way."

ConsequencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon