I'm Sorry

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Hey, ummmm, I'm sorry to do this, but I have a lot of things on my plate right now and I can't seem to finish it, it's not like anyone cared anyway. I've lost my creative drive to continue, and I'm tired of it, I'm not anywhere near the punchline AND I don't watch Mark or Jack anymore. I might write a new one, I haven't decided yet, but it wouldn't gather much attention. I'm a pretty crappy writer :/ I probably will update if you guys want, it's not that big of a deal. But I think that I need to take care of my own life right now, my cousin is getting surgery because she has scoliosis and I'm trying to book a plane ticket so that I can be there for her at the hospital, but since I'm 14, I'm a minor and my parents won't allow me to go alone. My mom might have breast cancer, my aunt is severely sick with God knows what (my parents won't tell me what since they fear I may tell my cousins, which I won't) and my life just seems uneven because that, was only the tip of the iceberg, plus, I'm still grounded for longer than I anticipated. But, I don't know, I might change my mind, but for now, I'm sorry. Thank you for listening to my rant, I just feel like I can't do anything anymore, life is weighing me down, and I have no motivation for anything. I always have bags under my eyes, my eyes are dull, my voice is monotone and my expression is mundane. I can't seem to care anymore, everything's getting to me, and to top it all off, my anxiety levels have risen and my mom stopped taking me to my therapist, so it's all getting worse. I would deeply appreciate it if you send me some feedback on what to do, because I'm still not sure. Anyway, thanks for everything, I don't know why you guys even read my work, it was utterly awful. But I appreciate it, I really do....I guess this means....good-bye...huh?

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