1: "Meet Sean McLoughlin."

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

"Mind directing me to the room I am supposed to be in, miss?" The lady at the front desk, whom I just asked, looked up at me with her glasses hanging just above her nose. She had a bob cut that was clearly dyed to have a sweet maroon look, it suited her though. Although the woman and I looked totally different, we had one thing in common. We both were going to be working in the 'House of Memories.' The reason it was called the 'House of Memories', was due to the crazed people who stayed here for years. Most do not remember what it was like to feel the sunlight, and that was why I was here. To allow them to feel humane again.

The lady at the front desk was named Martha. She would be helping me on where to go, when to show up, and the main things that I would be needing to work here. I was a employee, in fact, but I enjoyed working with them. (I do not only do this for a living, I also work at a local library that I own) They were so sweet, they reminded me of children. Most were too insane that they needed to be locked away from the rest, I did not agree with that, but I had no power to change nor oppose to such a thing. My mind ran as Martha was explaining. I was not paying too much attention, I was excited to see who I was going to be working with.

"Miss, (L/N)?" Martha broke me out of my thoughts. My eyes connected with hers as she pointed to a room right in front of me. "This is the room your patient is in. His name is Sean or Jack McLoughlin. All his information is in his file," She handed me a clipboard with his information on it. "Read this and you will find out everything about him. I hope he does not cause you trouble. I am quite stunned that they made you take him. He has been here longer than anyone, other than...never mind. But he's a handful. No one has ever came out the same when dealing with him, do you think you can handle such a hard case?"

I scanned his file. His information stunned me, he had such a good life. Was a wealthy YouTube gamer, but one day a certain thing clicked in his brain an caused him to go insane. he did not have a perfect life, but it was a life worth living. Most people are like that.

"I can handle him, thank you." She nodded unsurely and left.

Taking a deep breathe, I knocked on the metal door. You could not see inside. The entire asylum was dark and frightful--but it was not enough for me to leave such a place. Hardly was there any sunlight--let alone any lights--and the entire asylum was blocked away from the outside world.

"Come in." I heard a voice say from inside. I gathered my mind and thoughts before opening the door to reveal a dark room with dim lights flickering overhead. The entire room looked white and little peaceful while my patient sat down in the corner, not daring to look at me but his back turned to me.

Putting on a genuine smile, I closed the door behind me and reached out for a chair. Once I sat down, I heard the man snicker. Causing me to look up, his back was no longer facing me but was staring right at me with a smile and a bored expression. "Like I said," I heard Jack, or Sean, say in an Irish accent--but not too strong. "More people. Always, they take notes, and leave. Just, when yer done, please leave. Leave when yer done writing down in yer things in tat (that) there clipboard. Oh, and in the comments, write that I said tae (to) bring me better food. I am not an animal, I'm human." Jack brought his knees to his chest and stared down at his toes, moving them in the process.

I stared at Jack, for a strange reason, a rush of guilt ran through me. I sighed, causing him to look up at me. I moved my hair out of my face and dropped the clipboard  onto the ground. My hair was up in a messy bun so a few strands escaped and dangled in front of my face. "Okay, I sure will, Jack. My name is (Y/N),
but I won't be leaving so soon like the rest. I am not just here to take notes. I am here to help you, ask questions and hopefully get you to come out of your shell. I promise, I won't leave so suddenly as the rest. I just need you to answer a few questions for me, can you do that for me, buddy? Can you answer a few questions?" Jacks' eyes softened and he looked at me. I looked at him with a genuine smile.

Jack had brown hair that was shaved off lightly from the sides, but had a full head of hair from the top of his head which was dyed a faded lime green. He had big lost and confused blue eyes. Light facial hair, pale skin, and a white hospital gown. He was in an insane asylum anyway. He looked so scared, frantic even. Poor guy, I really want to help him. He seemed so innocent and harmless.

"I-I can do that, Miss. (Y/N)," Jack nodded lightly and untangled his legs so he was able to sit up right again. I smiled knowing he was able to trust me and picked up my clipboard again. He wrapped his arms around his torso and rocked himself very slowly. I sighed sadly at his scared state and scribbled once again in the clipboard in my hands. I knew he didn't like it when I did this, so I tried my best not to do that too often.

I looked at Jack. "Alright, Sean," I smiled as he looked up at me with pleading eyes. I wanted to break at the sight. But held myself not to do so. "Do you know who 'Anti' is?" As soon those words left my mouth, Jack went ballistic. He was screaming at himself, physically crying. Saying things like; "I don't want anyone getting hurt," and, "Believe me! I don't know er! I don't want tae try anything, she's yers!" and, "Please! I don't want to die!" even, "No! Not that! Please! Anything but that! Don't take over!" I stared shocked, sacred and painful.

I didn't know what to feel, or if I should feel anything. Then that was when I heard a voice. It was a dark voice that was demonic and disordered. At this point I didn't know what to think. Then I felt someone breathing down my neck.

"HeLlO tHeRe. YoU'd Be ThE Precious (Y/N), ArEnT't Ya? i Am-"

Cliff hanger? Not really. Its sort of obvious who this is. XD Anyway, I am sorry that this is the first chapter but I have been super lagging with this story and school is in the way. Writers block is back and I don't know what other stories to write. So if you have any good ideas, lay it on me. (I am open to anything really, and I love VanossGaming and his friends along with Markimoo and others. So yeah. I am on vacation and school is just a nightmare. So yeah.) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and the second should be coming out very soon. I promise I will update more often. It's not as bad as I thought. :) Okay, thank you for waiting! Buh-bye~!~Katniss

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