(A/N) kind of serious

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Sorry, umm, it's this crap again. I've lost the creative writing for this and I don't know what else to write...I'm contemplation if I should continue it or if I should do something else. I know I said this before, but now I really have no clue. But if you guys could give me some sort of idea for the next chapter, I would love to add it in here because I don't really know what to write after this. Any idea is welcomed, I don't care, I'm literally that desperate right now. I mean, I know how everything ends and all, but I'm not sure what to write in between. Anyway, thanks for being so helpful and waiting for the next update. And there was a chapter that I posted but I deleted it since I knew I could do so much better and I wasn't proud of it. So I'm sorry and I promise I'll get things moving again once I get the ideas or someone gives me something. Thanks again for everything you wonderful and beautiful people, I love you. Bye, I guess...

Dark's Little Toy (Darkiplier x Reader) *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora