7: "Incensed"

146 11 2

(Not to be confused with incest )



very angry; enraged.

"Martha, Martha," I ran excitedly to the woman at the front desk, my knuckles practically white from how hard I was clenching my fists. The vast amounts of excitement began to seep through as my hands began to fidget from the amounts of coffee I drank to keep myself awake. I knew it was not healthy to drink almost a pound of coffee, but I needed the extra caffeine boost through what idiocy I was about to do. "I need you to give me the keys to Sean McLoughlin's room, stat! I do realize that I am not need to work these hours, but please, I need to see him."

Martha returned the favor by looking me queerly, her look expressed the inner and outer confusion she bared. Regardless of my tattered clothing and untamed hair, she grabbed a bundle of key and threw them to me. She refused to ask me what the hell happened, since it's not the first time I showed up to work like this. I'd rather not talk about what happened last time. It's something we really wish never happened.

I caught the keys and smiled like a sadist before running off to Jack's room, almost too excited to run in a straight line. The corridors were filled with many twists and turns, making it slightly difficult for me to find my way to Sean's room. Thankfully, I found it before I ran into a wall or something. Fiddling with the six keys in hand, I found the one labeled "317" which was his room number and inserted it into the lock.

"Jack," I screamed as I swung open the door. The green haired boy jumped up clearly startled as his eyes widened in absolute fear, once he noticed it was me, he relaxed but still looked confused. He was laid upon his bed and stared upon the ceiling before I slammed the door open like a mad woman. Now he sat up, staring at me. "I have fantastic news! Where's Anti? I need both of you for this!"

Anti appeared at the sudden mention of his name, using his claw-like fingers to teasingly run them up and down my arms. It took me a few moments to comprehend what he was doing, before I reacted. I'd be blushing if I wasn't on a caffeine run, but since I was, I simply didn't care. Instead, I grabbed Anti by the arm and practically dragged him next to Sean, sitting him down as he looked at me confused.

"Alright boys," I leaned down and whispered into their ears so that the camera does not pick up my voice. "We need to go somewhere more private so that I can discus the matter at hand, it's off the rails crazy but I think we can pull it off!"

I backed up so that I was standing in the doorway, awaiting the two green haired boys to follow. Sean and Anti exchanged glances before following me out of the door, wondering what the hell I was talking about. It was pretty stupid, I'll admit, and the chances of it working was very slim, but it was worth a shot.

Passing through the halls, I spotted the janitors closet and quickly pushed Anti and Jack in. The three of us sat in the small dark room as the door shut with a thud. Fiddling around to find the light switch, I managed to find a little pull chain (Is that what the chain that hangs from the ceiling is called?) that was hanging down from the ceiling. Slightly tugging it, a dimly lit light flickered before gleaming down at us. Sean and Anti looked at each other then me, asking politely with their eyes.

"I'm breaking you guys out of here," I replied as nonchalantly as I could, awaiting some kind of response from the two. Only to receive nothing, they looked rather surprised but that was it. Neither said a thing, just sat there and looked shocked. "I haven't really planned this entire thing through, but, I've got the gist of it down. I'm coming back at midnight and act as if I forgot some paper work if Martha or the other employees catch me in the act. I'm going to have to shut off the cameras in this place so they don't see me leaving with you guys. Which shouldn't be too hard to do since I have the keycard that allows me entrance into the security room. You guys can stay with me for the time being, you two have got to be there if Dark comes back. We can't afford for-whoa!"

Dark's Little Toy (Darkiplier x Reader) *Discontinued*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang