Chapter 62: Difference

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Addison pov
I woke up to yet another day as the silk comforters comforting me and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist I love waking up like this to the sun coming from the curtains the smell of chocolate chip pancakes every single morning and then the warmth I felt against my skin. I looked at Chase like I've always looked at him every single morning I said I'd have a little bit longer that I didn't realize that that had said something. "You staring baby" he said still with his eyes closed plus creeped up on to my cheeks and somehow I knew he knew I was blushing. She reached out to touch my cheeks and then sat up and lightly placing his lips against them.

He made me giggle with something he loved, he thought it was funny so I grabbed the pillow from under him and smacked in the head with it kid fell off the bed with a thump. I laughed to myself as I looked over the bed he was laying on his back with his hands covering his face. "You gonna get it" he said before getting up and attacking me he had me pinned down on the bed he started tickling me to death I couldn't breathe like the world stopped and it was just me and him laughing filled the air as he smiled at me still tickling me to death. "Baby i...I ca can't bre..bre-breath please st....stop" I begged still laughing trying to catch my breath. He finally gave up and then walked over to his closet I was just laying on the bed side of breath.

We were both finish dressing we like to help each other get dressed I sat at my desk doing my makeup he went to the bathroom brush his teeth he came out with my hair brush brush my hair and I brushed his. It was a morning routine and I never wanted to get out of the habit of doing it I love waking up knowing that I have him. 2 years ago I've heard the stories of Chase Garica I've heard people talk and Whisper about him why people hated him and called him the bad boy and then I come to find out that he was just as broken as I was he was hurt by the ones he loved but he would never tell me the story I begged him. He would always tell me it's not the right time maybe one day I will tell you and he told me he was afraid if he tells me I would leave him. Famous pictures around the house of him his parents and this little girl this picture was everywhere and I wanted to ask but I never found my self up to it.

It wasn't my business to know who the little girl was in the pictures but a part of me really begged told my mouth and ask someone. Chase's parents was always so careful around him but they were walking on eggshells around him making sure that he had perfect grades, perfect friends, and perfect everything. I sat at the dining room table with Chase's parents and him across from me we ate blueberry pancakes but they smelt like chocolate chips. Chase's parents are like my second parents they were so kind so outgoing sometimes at night me and Chase was sneak out of the room just to watch his mom and dad dance around in the living room together I wanted that to live happily ever after with the love of my life.

Today the car ride was silence something in the air was just filled with tension I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something had happened last night with Chase and his parents and all you could hear in a large house with screaming and cries I wanted to see if everyone was okay and see what happened but it wasn't my business I had no right to be in it so I stayed put. Jason come back into the room the rest of the night he has slept in another room I guess you didn't want to see me or to avoid my questions of what happened he knew me so well.  We both walked into the Seabrook High splitting ways usually he would always hold my hand or kiss me goodbye but today was different

and I didn't like different I liked our routines. He walked to class without one single word to me and I felt this ring in my heart that something had must of happen so bad that he is avoiding me, but I had to go to class. There was a group crowding around the lockers people were excited and laughing and smiling and I just wish I was in that group but then again I'm glad I wasn't. When the Bell rung everyone went to their classes but that one group stayed still and continued to laugh and smile, but soon after I realize it was my group of old friends. I watched them from the distance I was about to leave when I meet a pair of brown eyes green hair and that smile I fell in love with. I felt like the world had stopped and everything had slowed down, I could feel my heart beat in my chest ready to burst anytime now. I didn't realize that he started slowly walked up to me until I could feel his eyes and smell his mint gum. The next thing that happened set me off both afraid and angry "Addison"

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