3: And it begins once again...

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'FML. Please kill me.' I thought. In all of the timelines, I always hated the carebear rejects voice.

The idiots in the room, finally realizing that there was a fucking talking carebear, started panicking.

"R-Relax! It's probably remote controlled or something!!"

"Hey! I can control myself, thank you very much!! Now, you all may be wondering who I am."

"No fucking shit, sherlock."

"No disrespecting your principal! Anyways, where was I? Ah, yes! I am the headmaster of this fine institute!!"


"Now give me your finest good morning!"

"Good morning, principal, sir!" The fucking goody-two-shoes said, well, more like yelled. Seriously, this fucker is going to break my eardrums one day with how often he yells.

"Don't encourage him!"

"Eh, that's something at least. Unlike what we get from some people." The fucking carebear looked at me.

"What the fuck do you want, fucking carebear reject." I said, mumbling the last part just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Why you...!!" He shook his fist in the air as if he didn't look dumb enough. He immediately went to his usual shitty self, though.

"Anyways~ You'll all be living here for the rest of your pathetic lives!!"


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