Short 2: Smoothie

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Makoto flipped off the narrator.

"Fuck you!"

Rather rude, isn't he?

"Suck a dick!"

I quite literally cannot. He's so rude. He's so judgemental. This is homophobic.

"You're gay?!?!"

Pan, I think. I prefer women, though. Maybe feminine people, unsure.

"We've been stuck together for over, I don't fucking know how many years, and you're just telling me you're maybe pan?????!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?"

You never asked.

"You know everything about me, you should know I'd want to know."

You know what, you're getting the smoothie, you whore.


And, that's how you take care of your children, kids-things-whatever you readers are.

Threaten them with a smoothie made from their body.

Makoto trembled in a corner, sobbing.


And that's why kids, you don't threaten the narrator, they'll do some fucked up shit.

Anyways, y'all suck at threatening me. Like, y'all idfc what I read, I'm reading. At least I'm not bored ig

I pitied y'all so I didnt delay this for a month/31 days as i said I would :] You would've gotten it 10 days from now if I did

Be thankful <3

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