12: Bitch kept bitching

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Makoto was doing great. He was enjoying his breakfast, no bitches were bothering him today.

Until a bitch decided to bother him today.


'Here we go again. Why she gotta keep coming for me? Can't she play victim with someone else???'

Maizono was, at this point in Makoto's long ass life, a bitch most of the time. He used to care about her, yeah. Fuck, he even had a little crush on her. But she kept immediately caving in to motives at the beginning.

Like, damn bitch. No hesitation. Makoto's sad about his family too, but he didn't suddenly come up with a plan to frame somebody with murder right after seeing that video.

Makoto didn't pay attention to her little speech about how scared she was. It was typically the same thing every time. She'd say how scared she is, how she'd feel better if they switched rooms. Sometimes she'd even try to touch him sensually.

'If this bitch keeps bitching, I swear to whatever god's laughing at me, I'm going to kill her.'

It was kind of weird for him to be thinking such things one second and getting all nostalgic about the past the next second.

Maybe he was just feeling nostalgic this loop.

Who knows. Makoto didn't. He was trying to not kill this bitch.

He did end up killing her and getting executed. He totally could've not been caught. But he killed her in front of everybody during breakfast with his fork.

What can he say? The bitch kept bitching.

Well, I tried to make this longer. I guess I'm just better at writing little chapters.

What can I say? My attention span is small.

Damn, though. Funny how like now that I'm trying to get help, and have several little breakdowns that I have motivation to write for this crack fic lol

Well, I might write another chapter. You'll just have to see in like 30 minutes or something.


Sorry for any errors. I'm just quickly writing these before my motivation goes away again.

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