"Now what?" Ashley asks and she crosses her arms over the table, leaning in closer, "Your gonna keep it lowkey or are you gonna try someone new?" She bites down on her bottom lip and I grin

"I can do both," I say and she nods, "I can try someone new and still have people think I'm single."

Am I flirting? I just got out of a relationship less than an hour ago and I'm already flirting.

"But then there's Brittany," She was with a smile on her face, "You keep telling yourself that this is all for the better even though you know it's not."

What the fuck? Was she just in my head?

Ashley clears her throat, "I can't do what you and Brittany do; be in a committed relationship. I like to be able to do who and what I want when I want."

She's kind of reminding me of Puck. The female version of him.

"I would want to do something like that but I'm scared that I'll catch feelings."

Ashley laughs, "That's the problem. Your scared and you feel."

"So what are you? A heartbreak expert?" I ask

"I am the heartbreaker." She says with a playful smile

What if this helps me get over Brittany? I don't want to get over her but what if I need to?

This is all too much and it's all happening too fast.

"I just got out of a relationship."

"Yeah, with your first girlfriend." Ashley says, "Now is your time to try someone new."

I purse my lips together and think about what she just said. Now is my time and I've never been with any other girl but Brittany. And plus it's just a one time thing.

I nod my head as I stand up and Ashley smiles, showing her perfectly white and straight teeth.

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the bathroom. Right after she closes and locks the bathroom door she smashes her lips onto mine. A rollercoaster of emotions flash through my body. I'm overwhelmed and scared as hell. I wasn't expecting anything like this and now that it is happening, my head is spinning. I can't believe Ashley was kissing me like this. We hardly know each other and she wants to do this. Feeling her lips lips on mine make my legs go weak and I feel like a bout to collapse. I tell my body to relax and I return to the intensity of the kiss, lifting my hand to cradle her neck.

Ashley lightly pushes me back against the door and deepens the kiss, pinning our bodies close together. She runs her hand up my hoodie and explore the skin along my waist and abdomen.

I flick my tongue across her lips and she open her mouth more, letting my tongue slip inside and caress hers. Ashley alternates between running her tongue along mine and massaging my bottom lip, like she can't decide which one she likes more.

She moved her hand to my cup my breath and begins kissing down my jaw line until she reaches my neck. She kisses up and down, placing her tongue on one spot, closing her lips around it and then gently sucking on my skin until she moves to the next spot.

I crane my head and let out a soft moan. Ashley runs her hand down my backside and stops when she reaches my thigh, pulling it up and tight against the side of her waist. She lifts her knee and presses it into my center, lifting my body further up the door as she crashes her lips back onto mine.

I moan into her mouth and I can feel the heat the shooting through my body and throbbing in between my legs. I run my hand underneath her shirt and up her torso and I want to touch more of her. Ashley envelopes my lips into her mouth, as if she can't get enough of me.

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