"I don't see anything. Just a bunch of broken tables and shelves." I say as I continue to search.

"Hmm... from what we can tell they cleared out most of their facilities even before we found out about IVY... keep looking."

"Okay but—" I pause, furrowing my brow as I reach the final few levels. "wait, there's something on the last floor."

"What is it?"

"There's a whole other floor deep underground. It doesn't look like a basement though."

"That wasn't on the blueprint."

I snap my eyes open, "Wait, you have a blueprint?!" Then why the hell am I doing this for?!

"Okay, 'Port us through to the last floor and we'll check it out."

I stand up with a frown. "Changing the subject like the doesn't hear me..." I mutter as he fiddles with his SHIELD wrist communicator, but I can see that sly smile on his face as I open up a portal to the first floor. I stomp through as we appear on top of one of the many crisscrossing metal beams, wobbling and nearly losing my balance before Kele grabs the back of my hood.

"Careful there, I know you haven't been at Aigile for a while but watch your step."

"Hey, this whole shadow porting thing is still pretty new, okay?" I say as he chuckles and pats my shoulder.

"Alright, the area doesn't seem to rigged," he says scanning the area below. I activate my Eagle Vision too, the floor below dark. "Let's jump on down and see if we can find a way to that lower floor." He steps off the railing easily, using his shadow wings to glide down.

I summon my tails, jumping down after him and using them as a spring to help me land with my ankles intact. I may have a healing factor, but I'm not dealing with my bones cracking back into place in any of these creepy facilities. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"A huge lever? A big button labeled not to press?" He says, walking forward as I roll my eyes and follow. I see where I get my amazing sense of humor from. He holds a hand up, stopping me as he looks around in the middle of the room. "There's a thin line right here on the floor..." He kneels for a moment, tracing it with his fingers before standing and following it to the far wall. "Well, since this building is empty..." He reaches into the pocket attached to his leg, attaching something to the wall. Taking a closer look at them, I can see Maggie's handiwork.

"We're gonna blow it up?" I question, surprised.

"Yeah, why?"

"I dunno I thought we would be more discrete?"

"The explosions won't draw too much attention. Maggie designed them to connect like a net and it'll vaporize the wall. No mess, no fuss." He places the last one, taking out a small device. "We might want to stand back just in case."

He presses the button on it; the bombs blinking to life and interlocking bright blue beams before it cuts out a wide arch into the thick metal and then a small explosion rocks the floor.

"No mess, no fuss, huh?" I cough, waving away some dust that flies into the air.

"She wanted me to take a note of that..." He says wearily, taking careful steps to the newly formed hole. I follow behind him, staying on my guard as we're completely encased in darkness until Kele clicks on a flashlight, illuminating a metal staircase that leads further down below.

I shudder, feeling a familiar chill go down my spine and for a moment the area melts into the walls of the IVY hospital halls. I bite my lower lip as we descend, clenching my hands into fists to keep them from shaking.

Toss Up (Danny Rand)Where stories live. Discover now