Chapter 4

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"Wake up Sky wake up." I heard that voice. I know it. "Come on Skylar, you have to pull through this" it sounds like.... Ethan?? Jack?? Nate?? Maybe Blaze?? No it sounds like... all of them. "Come on Skylar open your eyes" I tried to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy. Come on girl, I can do this, I forced my eyes open.

I was in a very bright room, with all the boys surrounding me. I looked around, and saw I was hooked up to a machine, and it kept beeping.

"Your awake!" they all said at once, and they hugged me

"Why is that shit beeping!" I pointed to the heart monitor. The guys looked at each other then at me, and just laughed

"Oh god there no need to worry anymore she's fine" Blaze chuckled

"Yeah, but you had us scared for a second there" Nate said. I thought back to the shoot out

"Yeah, but how long have I been out" I gently held onto my patched up wound

"About a week or so" Jack said softly.

"Oh, one actually two more things"


"first where the hell is Ethan?" i looked around for him and he wasnt around

"oh we busted him out of the other hospital 2 days ago. he's at home right now resting. he wont be moving around for a while"

"hmm" i nodded. that made sense its not like you get shot the magically run around the next day "okay next question then. when can I leave this hell hole?" he chuckled

"Now?" he asked still laughing, I nodded. I slowly got up, but almost fell right back down. If it wasn't for jack catching me. "You okay?" I nodded again,

"I'm fine I just got light headed for a second, but let's get the hell out of here, I hate hospitals"

We left the hospital, after I talked to the cops. it turned out the they lied and said that, i just happened to save some guy, because someone he knew wanted him dead and hired people to kill him. i only shook my head as we walked away. We rode in silence until we reached the house. I sat right on the coach resting my legs on Nate, while Blaze randomly traced circles on the back of my hand.

"Guys what are we going to do now?" I asked, thinking of how my brother looked on the day of the shoot out. if any of the guys hand been hurt any worse then what Ethan had benn i swear i would have murdered my brother then and there.

"Nothing really we took out a small part of your brother's gang, but he's still very powerful, so we just have to think up a very smart plan then we can finally take him down" we sat in heavy silence

"Your right, but guys when the time comes.... I need you guys to promise me something" I looked them all in the eyes

"What is it Skylar?" Ethan asked

"Promise me that when the time comes, my brother is mine to kill" though most of me knew that wasnt really going to happen but for now its better if im the one in control of his fate

Masked SilenceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin