Chapter 1

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Skylar P.O.V:

I walked out of the house thanking God that it's Friday night and my friend Jessica was throwing a party! Wearing this sexy outfit where i had on black skinny jeans a white shirt, with a black cardigan over it, and sexy white heels (about 2 inches) and i put on light make up.

i walked into my brother's car. he sat in the drives seat looking at his wrist watch

"Hey Luke thanks for dropping me off" he looked at me slightly irritated

"Mhhhm" he drove very quickly out of our drive way and drove to my friend's house. "Listen Skylar I'm going out and I won't be back till late tomorrow so if mom or dad ask just let them know." He said mom and dad in a weird voice as if he was hiding something about them. i'll just have to find out later.

"Sure" I was so use to this, it's like I live by myself with the way that no one seems to ever be home. Maybe I'll go to the other party that all my friends were talking about after Jessica's. I got out of the car and walked into the full motion party, with people already drunk or making out in everyone's way. I danced around on people for what felt like years.


50 minutes later


I looked around for my friend Jessica in the kitchen. She wasn't there, but I did find wine coolers. Hell yeah I'm sooo getting messed up tonight. I danced around even more and drank a lot, and a lot of hours later after I drank practically a whole bottle of vodka, 2 wine coolers, and about 5 shots, feeling like I owned the world I walked out of the party feeling very drunk.

I was walking to my house when I got the feeling that I was being followed. I turned around and saw a boy with his hood up close behind me. I sped up my pace without being obvious. I turned slightly again and he wasn't there, I sighed with relief. And as I turned to keep walking, i saw him right in front of me pressing a sweet scented cloth to my face. Everything slowly got darker the last thing I saw was the van opening and someone reaching for me.SHIT!


I woke handcuffed to a pole in the middle of the room. I looked around and it looked like I was in the middle of a basement. If these people think that I'm going to just sit here and do nothing they are soo wrong

"HELLO! Is anyone there?" I yelled. No one answered me "My ass hurts! Hello! Can I be released!" no response. So I did the only thing I could do, I screamed at the top of my lungs, I pretty sure it could wake everyone up.

I heard many heavy footsteps heading toward the basement that I was in. the door opened and four really sexy boys stood there. Wait what am I thinking these guys kidnapped me! One of the guys stepped forward towards me

"Why the fucks are you yelling for?" he said. God he is so cute, he had longish black hair, smooth pale skin and really Georges blue eyes.

"My ass hurts! Oh yeah if you haven't noticed you fucking kidnapped me! What the hell do you expect from me?" he looked taken back a bit

"Well shut the hell up its 3 am. We can talk about this in the morning" wait 3 am? I left the party at 4:50 am it must have been a whole day that passed. I looked at him

"Can you at least throw me a pillow down here or something?"

"Why" he smirked down on me slightly

"Because I wasn't lying when I said my ass hurts" he laughed at me "Why are you laughing it's not funny" he laughed some more. He looked over to the smallest boy of the group, the boy left and came back with a big freaking pillow!

"Hold on this might hurt" he grabbed me, making me have to get up a little and the forced me to yank on the handcuffs that were already digging into my skin to draw blood. I whimpered a little. He looked at me sympathetically

"I'm sorry" he shifted the handcuffs so that I could lay down "There you go sugar" he winked at me in a funny way. I giggled "Awww your giggle is soo cute. What's your name?"

"Skylar. Yours?" he was easy to talk to for some reason

"Ethan" he smiled down at me, I noticed everyone else had left "Well sweetheart I'm going to sleep I'll come get you later when everyone wakes up" he turned to leave

"Umm okay night" he turned around and winked funnily again. After he left I laid there slowly sinking back into sleep. I soo have to get out of here..... maybe?

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