Don't Worry! (Hitoshi Shinsho x Older!Reader)

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I always told you to not worry!

I've been telling you that for years! Those same exact words keep repeating every time I see you. Why do you worry for much about what people say about you? The negativity always fill your head up making it impossible for you to be happy about yourself, but I'll always be here for you, to tell you to not worry! So, don't worry!

Every time I see you in your classroom with other kids you always look sad, so I'd always come towards the door's window and glare at the kids, intimidating right? The kids would always walk away from you when I do that, but the only thing that will make me smile is when you smile back  at me with appreciation in your face.

I always get good grades even though I'm always getting dragged down by other people, people always horrible things about me because I always come to your class and watch you, so no other kids will bother you. I love you so much that I didn't mind that people were gossiping about me, why should I? They don't know what're my intentions, since I'm about 2 years older then you, people would always think I'm a creepy stalker that watches kids.

People may have laughed at me whenever I walk into the classroom, they always tell me mean things that hurts me deep down inside, but I ignored it every time and so, became numb to the words.

When I graduated, it made me feel anxious about how you were doing, I have always kept an eye on you so people wouldn't talk bad about you, so the only thing I told you after I graduated from the school is to not worry! I wished I could've stayed by your side at all times. I could only hope.

I've made a couple of friends in my other school so I didn't feel lonely, in all honesty, it did feel a bit weird that people weren't gossiping about me being a stalker.

What's ironic is that I began to worry. I worried that people were thinking bad about you, I haven't seen you in a while, you were young when I left so you didn't have a cellphone I could call. I came to visit you where you lived but you weren't there, turns out you had moved away. My heart ached because I didn't get to see your face anymore.

I worry that people are getting even better at treating you like an outcast, my head will always fill up with different scenarios about what I could've done if I was still with you, maybe you would smile more or would've learned to ignore the harsh words that people blabber about.

Why can't I stop worrying?


Shinso's POV

It's been a while since big sis (Y/N) moved away, I wonder if she still remembers me, I never really gotten to talk to her much since we have different schedules and are in different grades.

She was an odd one to be honest, always appearing out of the blue to keep the other kids away from me, people began to talk bad about you, saying that you were a love struck girl that stalks kids. Basically a creepy pedophile.

I would always brain wash people into apologizing then slapping themselves, it was for their own good. How could they talk so bad about their senior? They would always report the teachers for my bad behavior but the teachers would let me go easily because I would brain wash them into understanding and letting me go without any punishment.

As we grew older, you graduated from this school, of course I knew we couldn't be together forever, but it shocked me, I never really thought of you disappearing from my life, I didn't even know which school you were going to attend, I just saw you shake hands with some of the teachers and giggle with your friends.

Why were you so positive? Even though those people you call friends are one of the people who talks bad about you. Yet you never really looked sad or mad, you just roll your eyes with a smile on your face in respond for saying 'whatever' or 'alright then' in a sarcastic way.

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