Missing you - Todoroki Shouto x Reader

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None of the things you see except for the stories are mine!!

Where are you?

I haven't gotten a call from in ages, or a letter, or anything! It's been years since I last saw you, I wished I never had let you go to that plane, maybe we would've still been on the very couch that is sitting in the living room, but you're not here.

I would've still made you hot chocolate and grab a blanket and snuggle together while watching TV, talk about past moments that would make each other laugh or feel remorse for one another, but I would still tackle you down into the ground and start tickling you to lighten up the mood! ...but you're not here.

We would've gone to the park or take a stroll around the city and go into a few shops and you'd have to drag me out so we wouldn't be in the shop for hours without buying anything, but you're not here to do that.

Where are you anyways? Why haven't you called me or send a voice mail? Or even bother to send a letter? I've called you dozens of times and sent numerous voice mails and letters. Are we even still together? I keep waiting for you to one day come home to this house of ours to just tell me you're back so I could run into your arms and cry all my heart out, but I don't even know if that's going to ever happen..

I have faith that you're not out that with another woman and going to another country was just another excuse of getting away from me. Our relationship wasn't the flawless in people's perspective, I would always complain and push you a bit too rough and you would just respond with your eyes rolling. But in most times, we would hold hands and eat together and bet on things, I'd always lose, I don't know why, maybe fate liked you better than me.

But we'd pay our debts to one another by paying for each other's meals. And when we got into the airport, we made a bet, I said to you;

"I bet you won't come back in years!" I said jokingly with a huge smirk plastered on my face. But deep down inside, I knew I was going to lose, because that's how it always ends up, for once, I wish I lost the bet.

"Oh really? I'm pretty sure I won't be that long, maybe about 2 to 4 months I'll be back, no worries though, I'll bring you something as a gift" You said with you soft voice. I giggled in reply and elbowed you on your arm.

Even though we were dating and are a couple, we acted like best friends, but still snuggle together and do romantic things. I just hope that you didn't think that we are just best friends.

But I still wait for you to come home with your gifts and paying for my meals when we go out to eat. I just hope you wouldn't take this long to come back home.. I'm lonely without you.

Yeah, I still have company, like friends and cousins who calls me frequently, and I appreciate that. Momo Yayorozu would always ask me wether or not you've come home, but I'd always reply 'no'. She pitied me every time I said no, so she always forces me to come with her to malls and stuff. Momo wasn't really a close friend until just a few months ago. Even though I had her company and a lot of great people, I still feel lonely, so once again, where are you when I need you?

Months and months went by and I was beginning to lose hope, it's so hard to just hold onto this little piece of hope. It's like I'm holding sand and it keeps slipping through my fingers. Or it's like an hour glass that's about to run out. It's been years, so can you really blame me?

Even more months went by and I lost hope, I guess you're never going to come back and celebrate my past birthdays and me winning the bet for once. I cried day and night because of you, I feel like I can fill up a pool from my own tears.

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