The Art of Ice Fishing (3)

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Hi peeps!

Yayy another early upload! I'm on a roll! I can't believe that I've updated every single day since this was first published. But oh well, I've just been writing a lot and I can't stop:)

I haven't proof read this one, so there's bound to be mistakes. Let me know of the mistakes in the comments if you'd like to help me out!

Thanks to anyone who is actually reading this, even if I don't know who all of you are, it means a lot. But don't be shy...make yourself known! I don't bite, I just want help on my writing.

Word count without author's notes is 2380 words.

Please enjoy!


Almost right after the alarm started going off, Link slapped the clock to get it to stop. He stayed in his bed for a bit longer, staring up at the ceiling that used to have glowing sticker stars. Zelda must have removed them somehow.

Link sighed and got out of bed. Today he was planning to go to Telta lake, it had been one of his grandfather's favorites. Link didn't understand how his grandfather could possibly have a favorite lake. They were all frozen over this time of year and they were all roughly the same size. Link shrugged and walked into the shower.

After he had finished, he walked downstairs quietly. Zelda wasn't up yet, it was too early for her. Link prepared a biscuit and hash browns for his breakfast. It was odd eating alone, and awfully quiet. Even if Zelda were here and eating would make him more comfortable.

Link finished quickly and rinsed his dishes. He walked outside and found the new axe that must have been used to cut down the wood he found the night before. Running over to a tree he began to chop it down. After a couple of minutes Link had chopped the tree down and a good amount of wood to last for a while.

He dragged a tarp over and threw it over the cut wood by the trees. I don't know how to bring this up with her, Link said, probably best to hide it for now and let her know later.

Once he went outside he checked on the fish in the bad under the snow. Seeing they were still frozen and cold, he untied Twilight and let him hop into the car.

The drive up to this lake took much longer than the one from the day before. Telta lake was one of the highest lakes on the side of the mountain.

Bringing just the auger, Link walked into the frozen lake. Finding a good spot with promise, he drilled into the ice, finding the water quickly. Next he grabbed his chair, ice chisel, skimmer, pole and tackle box, setting up near the hole.

After a good chiseling away at the hole to enlarge it and getting the floating ice out with his skimmer, Link threw the line down the hole and waited again. 

Zelda's right, Link thought, fishing can be a little boring. But for some reason I find the small exciting moments of when I actually catch a fish worth it. Grandpa did.

Long fishing periods often lead to Link thinking about his grandfather and how much he missed him.

They better have lakes in heaven, Link thought chuckling a little, if they do, I bet grandpa is fishing at one right now. Right now...

That was a creepy thought. What if his grandfather was fishing somewhere beyond death, just at the same moment that Link was fishing.

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