Chapter 8: Hospital

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As I have said,I hate hospitals and this is the second time I have been here or so I remember. I keep getting shot a lot but part of the journey right? I wasn't part of the FBI yet so I was just a stranger to the team and to the system. I woke up and a sharp pain came from my chest. I gasped and the team woke up from their sleep. I could see how they are tired. I looked over at my side and see Emily still asleep. I was about to wake her up but Weller stopped me. 

"Hope, no. She's been crying for the past three days and she was really tired." Weller said. I nodded. I wasn't sure what to feel because I haven't been with this team for a long time and like I feel I was like a burden to them. I get shot and all of them come to the hospital. I became a bad influence to all them. I knew I was bad luck to all of them, especially Emily. I couldn't bare to see her hurt and yet she always does because the bad guys want me for some reason. 

"Are you alright? There seems to be a lot in your mind." Weller said. I shook my head and told him that everything was fine. The doctor came in and told us that the bullet was an inch away from my heart. My eyes widened and thanked the doctor for helping me. The doctor left and the team told me to rest. Weller kissed Patterson and my forehead before leaving with the rest. "Hey Emily?" I asked. She moved around in her sleep meaning she could hear me. I told her to sleep on the sofa because in her position, she was aching. She muttered up a few words,"I want to stay here with you..". I smiled and told her that I won't be going anywhere. She got up from the chair and headed for the sofa. There she slept quietly. I couldn't go back to sleep with all the thoughts in my head. 

I didn't realize that it was morning till there was light coming from the windows. I could see how clearly the room was. Normal and comfortable. I guess it could be the new norm if I was helping Emily with her work. The nurse came in with some food and set it up on the tray table. I thanked her and she left. I didn't have the mood to eat but I knew Emily wasn't eating. I pushed the tray table aside and got out from bed. I clenched my chest in pain but pushed the thought away. I went over to Emily and shook her lightly. I could see clearly the dried up tears from her face and her eye bags. I felt so much pity towards her.

"Hey wakey wakey, breakfast came. You need to eat." I said. Emily woke up slowly but she was a little groggy. I slowly lift her up and went to the bathroom to wash up our faces. She was still a bit sleepy, and I smiled. I grabbed her and went to the bed where I hopped in first and she followed. I put the blanket over our legs and I pulled the tray table over. For once, the hospital food is delicious. I fed Emily and myself. After a glass water, I pushed the tray table away from the bed. I hugged Emily and went to sleep. We both did. 

A knock was heard but both of us didn't bother to say anything. We were sound asleep. The team came in and smiled. They put down the flowers on the bedside and left a note there. They left and went to work. The monitor started beeping and Emily woke up. She looked up and looked at her side which was full of blood. The nurse came in and looked at the situation. Emily tried waking me up but I couldn't, I lost too much blood. The nurse wheeled me away and went to the OR where they had to stitch back up my wound. 

After an hour, I went back to my ward, awake. Emily was there and she ran over to me, "Are you alright?"I nodded.She felt relief and kissed my forehead. "You will never lose me, you know that?" I said with optimism. She nodded and she said the same thing to me. I told Emily that I wanted to get discharged. She was confused on why I wanted to do it as I just came out of surgery. "Please Emily." I said. Emily nodded and signed the release papers. The nurse told her on how to change my bandages. Then, we left the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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