Chapter 5: Recovery

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I woke up with the sound of monitors beeping and I could hear discussions going on in the room. I slowly lifted my eyes and I could see Emily holding on to my hand and the rest was talking slowly, away from both of us. I grunted lightly and Emily lifted her head. She smiled and I could see her tears rolling down her cheek. I smiled and wiped the tear off.

Weller saw me and ushered the rest to come towards us. "Are you okay?" asked Jane. I nodded. I didn't really have the energy to talk too much so I had to nod or shake my head. All of them were supportive and they told me that Shepherd was brought to a high-security prison for what she had done to me and the past. I nodded and smiled.

"Well we should leave. I know you need some rest." Weller asked. Emily was about to leave as well but I held her hand tightly. "Please don't go."I said with sad eyes. She nodded and told the team that she will have the next few days off to take care of me but deep down I knew she would still do her job during the days off but I don't mind anyway.

She sat beside me and asked what I saw when I was unconscious and all that. I explained to her what had happened. She was shocked because it was the same thing that happened to her three months ago. She asked me how I broke the loop. I told her that I prevented myself from getting shot by pushing everyone onto the ground. I couldn't tell Emily about the guy just yet because I needed to know for sure if this guy is real or my imagination.

As a week has gone by, I was finally able to check out from the hospital. I didn't like hospital's but there was no other choice right? So, Emily couldn't send me home because she was too busy with a case that Weller needed her for. So I didn't mind. I took a cab and headed straight home. Once I did, I paid the nice man and went into the house. I cleaned up and cooked some brunch for myself. I was starving. Hospital food isn't the best.

I ate and watched some TV. I looked at the news and something caught my eye. The news anchor was from the dream I had. Well sort of dream but you get what I meant. I looked at him and I could see the similar faces but why did I dream of him? I got a text from Emily saying she needed my help.

I told her that I was on my way there. She texted, 'ok' and I booked a cab from Grub. In a few minutes, I arrived at headquarters and I could see everyone in the state of panic. Emily saw me and went up to me. She hugged me, "Are you alright?" I nodded but was also confused. I asked her what was going on. She told me that someone was hacking in their server and locking them in.

I asked her how could I help. She said to me that she didn't need my help actually. I told her that she texted me to come here. She shook her head. "Someone in this building wanted Hope to come." Weller said. I looked around and everyone was just running around like flailing ducks. I didn't really know how to help.

Then, the lights went out and the backup generator kicked in. We had to find the source of the power outage or we wouldn't have any light in this building anymore as the generator only lasts two hours. We looked at each other and Weller discussed what we should do. As he was explaining our duties, the SIOC elevator suddenly opened. Inside was a bomb that could disperse harmful chemicals in the air. And the only way to do it was to hack it.

Weller shouted at everyone to go as far away as possible from the bomb and save the rest of people on the floor. Emily and I had to defuse this bomb before it blows up. Weller hugged us both and left with Jane. "Heh, just like old times right Em?"I said while smiling. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

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