The Offer

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{Two months later}

I grin as I straighten the picture Shawn and I ice skating on my new bedroom wall.

Over the last few months, a lot of things has changed. The biggest one having to be the fact that iv moved out into a house with the guys.

Well not exactly. Cameron, Lox, Lauren and I are the only ones who are here in California moving into the house, but all of the guys will move in soon. We've all contemplated on moving in together over the last few months, but since we'd found a large house, we bought it. We're all still in the process of notifying all of the guys that we've gotten the house though.

One of the things that has not changed,though, is Shawn and I. We're still dating, but we haven't seen each other in two months because our relationship is long distance. But that's just what happens when you live in two different countries.

I stand back and finally admire my final product of my room.

My room is white, but with the help of Lauren and Lox, it now has blue, green, yellow, and pink colors splatter painted onto the walls. My room also has a little loft in the far left corner of my room, which has my beanbag, my desk, and a little chalk board. Then outside of my room I have a little deck, which has a lovely view of the sunset and a forest. In my opinion, I basically have the ideal tumblr room.

I skip downstairs and see Lauren, Lox, and Cameron at the kitchen table on their phones.

"Hey guys, let's go to the beach!" I exclaim excitedly.

"I would but I need to work on the house," Cameron sighs. "Someone's coming today to make an underground pool in the backyard and I'm going to be working on the lawn."

"Aww," I frown,"well are you two up for it?"

"Yes!" Lauren and Lox squeal, causing me to laugh.

"Wait, we should see if Shea can come too. I haven't seen her in forever," Lox declared.

"YAAAS!" I agree. "I'll text her right now."

Lexie:Hey chicka, wanna go to the beach with Lox, Laur, and I?

Shea:They're in town right now?! And duh! I'll be over in ten.

"Yeah, Shea's coming over in ten," I call out before running upstairs to my room. I'm lucky and I'm one of the only people who gets their own room. Only Lox, Lauren, and I get our own rooms because we were one of the first people to move in and we're girls, we take up a lot of space.

I quickly slip on my black tankini with white poko-dots on it and walk over to my wall-mirror. I take my dark brown hair out of my high pony tail and quickly run my fingers through it, trying to detangle it. My hair has grown a lot, it's about down to the bottom of my rib cage.

I grab my pair of sunglasses and then rush downstairs. When I reach downstairs I see Shea standing by the door.

"Ready?" Lauren asks me.

"Wait, we need towels," I remind her while sliding on my black flip flops.

"Gurl, I'm already ahead of ya," Lox grins slyly while holding out four towels.

"Zayum, that was fast," I laugh before taking one from her.

"BYE CAM!" we all yell before running into my car.

As soon as we reach the car, I turn on the radio and start to fangirl.

"THIS IS MY JAM!" I yell before turning up the music to the maximum point and singing along to Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus.

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now